
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cambio salario por felicidad

I change wage by happiness

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas04/12/2012

4 December 2012

64% of the Spaniards would sacrifice part of the wage for being happier in the work. It is one of the conclusions of a recent study that says also that almost 78% of the workers is happy with his employment and that 96% of the employees think that if they were happier in his work would surrender more. The first is the first and from here move to the authors of the study our congratulations by the effort that has had to suppose find to sufficient employed as to realise the study.

This of the studies it is necessary to think it well. We go to see, if 78% is happy and 96% thinks that it would surrender more if it was happier, wants to say that many of which are happy aspire to be happier. Which is good. If by something characterise us the humans is by the permanent research of the happiness. Some look for it in elucidating, once and for all, if there was or no a buey and a donkey in the Birth and if the Kings Magicians were Andalusian, and others will look for it in the tail of the INEM. The surprising of this new study is that, against all prognosis, are many those that would yield part of his wage by happiness, something that situates to the current homo sapiens in another dimension. Because, we do not deceive us, by the reason that was, have gone evolving to a type of homo little wise person, a be that it has looked for the happiness in the opulencia. And now, when the soga tightens us the neck, results that we would yield part of our wage to be happier. But what sew more beautiful, by god! I what would do with this money that sobra is to invest it in a pisito in the village, that now are cheap. Afterwards it would cover some agujerillos and would hit me the gustazo of a trip to a resort of those in which you can take you a cocktail of colours put in the swimming pool.

Live in the edge of the razor. To the left the abyss of the unemployment and the companies breaking. To the right, a wall with nails burning. And in the own edge, his intrinsic danger. In United States the blades are the second more dangerous objects for the genital humans. There, after analysing the more than 140.000 cases that attended to the services of emergencies of the country between 2002 and 2010 by damages in his intimate parts, have determined that the most dangerous object is the bicycle, followed of blades, scissors and cortauñas. To continuation come the zips, the falls and patinazos in the bathroom, the balls of basketball, the ones of baseball and voleyball and, finally, the ski and the snowboard. We go to put to all our team of investigation to know better the process according to which a person damages the genital with the cortauñas.

Conclusion: a happy person is that that earns less, that knows to live in the edge of the razor without falling neither to the right neither to the left and that no only handles the cortauñas with skill but it goes up the zip with great esmero.

Comments on article / news piece

#10 - MCI
08/01/2013 0:00:02
El primer concepto de la permanencia de la felicidad es paradojico pero si se antepone a un status economico. En concreto varias encuestas han demostrado que lo que mueve y conmueve al ciudadano no es el pasado inmediato medido por las oscilaciones del producto nacional bruto, sino elk aumento de SALARIO del compañero comparado con el suyo.
#9 - larrouse
02/01/2013 15:50:42
Y de ahí viene lo de ... "los tontos son más felices", recortados (en los dos sentidos) pero ... Felices!!
#8 - candido
24/12/2012 11:14:16
jejeje... hoy me has puesto una sonrisa en boca... y mira que eso se está poniendo difícil ultimamente. GRACIAS.
#7 - Carlos rodriguez
23/12/2012 10:34:12
Parto de la base de que soy una persona bastante afortunada en casi todo,pero si esto es leído por alguien que aparte de estar en la cola del paro no tenga ni para comer.... Este tipo de artículos comparando el ser feliz en el trabajo con saber vivir al filo de la navaja ,no me parecen mas que tonterías y delirios de alguien que lo tendrá casi todo, monetariamente hablando, con un puesto como para poder ser escuchado,y desperdicia eso,sin mayores explicaciones..... Seamos serios señores..... Un saludo. Carlos Rodríguez.
#6 - Sr. Yaniz
22/12/2012 17:28:48
Evidentemente algunas personas están tan desesperadas que se bajarían el sueldo no por ser más felices, sino por no perder sus trabajos que estan alimentando ahoramismo a más de una familia. Quiero pensar que si algún trabajador que cobra el 70% porque está en un ERE y le bajamos el sueldo, seguramente esté contentísimo y muy pero que muy feliz. Dejémolo como está que más palos no vamos a aguantar.
#5 - Alicia Monroy Pérez
20/12/2012 23:57:12
Excelente Ibon, es correcta tu conclusión final. Espero que muchos mexicanos podamos tener la oportunidad de ver este tipo de comentarios tan acertados en la actualidad, se me antoja pensar,que hablaste igual que un comentarista muy querido en nuestro México, Pedro Ferriz.En horabuena, y felicitaciones por tan exitosa página. Saludos cordiales.
#4 - MCI
11/12/2012 23:36:57
En la relacion felicidad-dinero habria que reconsiderar quien es mas feliz el que olvida su pasado y procura innovar e inventar su futuro o el que se aferra al pasado repitiendo su futuro .
#3 - Baunat
10/12/2012 13:52:18
Pues aunque el dinero no da la felicidad, la mayoría de las cosas que nos la dan, cuesta dinero...y sacrificar nuestros ya recortados salarios, no nos puede suponer felicidad. Mejor nos quedamos cada uno con nuestra recortada felicidad y no sacrifiquemos más los salarios, a no ser que sean los de los políticos, solo para que sean un poco más felices, nada más!
#2 - Ignacio
05/12/2012 10:39:52
Ya empiezan el bombardeo para bajar los salarios. Veremos cuál es la siguiente gota.
#1 - Sara
04/12/2012 17:38:26
La busqueda de la felicidad en el trabajo...qué cosa tan dificil...Por supuesto que renunciamos a salario por ser más felices!!! El problema es que nunca una reducción en el salario supondrá felicidad...

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