Iberolactal Import-Export - Blue cheese


Blue cheese: strong and salty taste

Picture of Blue cheese
Duko Danish blue cheese is a creamy blue cheese also known as Danablu. It is made with cow's milk pasteurized and homogenized to get a soft curd and pure flavor.

It has no crust and spreads wrapped in aluminum. Blue white dough Danish Duko presents a large number of blue veins and some holes of irregular distribution. It is soft and somewhat friable, although it admits the Court with surprising ease. Its flavor is strong and salty.

You can serve on slices of bread or in sandwiches, mixed with butter for a tasty paste to spread or crumble for salads. It can also be used in the kitchen, although moderate-dose and without adding salt to the rest of the dish.

Sold in boxes of 2 and each piece has a weight of 3 kg.