Grup Batallé - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Grup Batallé
Av. Segadors, s/n
17421 Riudarenes (Girona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑972856050  
🖷:  +34‑972856374

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Grup Batallé

From its remote beginnings to 1920 have been growing in volume but above all in the quality and warranty of the products. Guided by its motto of quality principle, are supported by a large corporate structure to ensure total traceability of products.

In selecting Batallé ®, are based on a rigorous selection of males and females breeding with an own program híbrids in order to ensure the maximum regularity and quality of piglets and obtaining first class animals, fed with feed specific and uniform of the investee Esporc ®. They dedicated great efforts in swine genetic improvement with the aim of developing both sides of business.

On the one hand, the commercialization of breeding pigs and on the other hand the supply of pigs to the slaughterhouse Norfrisa ®, where a part of the official veterinary controls, are conducted additional internal controls with the most innovative technology product.

Then proceed to cutting into meat Batallé ®, which has two separate rooms where they make separate products from the white pig i of duroc pig.

They selected the best hams and shoulders of this pig Duroc of Batallé ®, and transported them, through their own refrigerated trucks, to reserve dryers Batallé ® of Granada where begins its healing process.

Since the beginning in an artisan workshop to present the Batallé has been a benchmark for traceability and quality, certified by prestigious companies that have awarded them the top awards for both their products and their production processes guarantee.