Embotits Calet, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Embotits Calet, S.L.
Del Molí, 20 - Pol. Ind. Begudà II
17857 Sant Joan Les Fonts (Girona) Spain
☎:  +34‑972271199  
🖷:  +34‑972274013
w:  www.cancalet.com

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Embotits Calet, S.L.

The objective is the satisfaction of the client, based on a few barrels of quality and safety of food, and an experience based on different generations and professionalism within the sector.y experience dilated in the sector, especially in the international arena.

The objective is the satisfaction of the client, based on a few barrels of quality and safety of food, and an experience based on different generations and professionalism within the industry.

Other important factors of the company are the wide range of products, innovation and competitiveness, which reinforces its commercial value.

Embotits Calet, S.L. is located in Olot, one of the most important sources of production of Delicatessen in Spain, which is a guarantee of quality, experience and knowledge. Olot and its area, are located between valleys, close to the Pyrenees, which has been a determining factor in curing pork meat primarily. This geographical factor provides a climate suitable for perfect healing products, getting unique aroma and flavor, unanimously recognized.

In addition to the quality factor, the location of Olot, near major roads, situated between Barcelona and the French-Spanish border, they allow Embotits Calet, S.L. offer a much faster and more effective for the majority of consumption centers.