Tecnología Difusión Ibérica, S.L. (TDI) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Tecnología Difusión Ibérica, S.L. (TDI)
Progrés, 46-48
08850 Gavà (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑936382056  
🖷:  +34‑936382195
w:  www.tdianalizadores.com
Analysers and Reactive enológicos.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Tecnología Difusión Ibérica, S.L. (TDI)


TDI Initiated his activities in Spain in 1986. It split of the experience accumulated previously in France during almost two lustros like pioneers in the adaptation for the oenology of technicians of analysis like the continuous flow, the degree potenciométrica, the pHmetría and assessment automated for the industrial control or the study of the sanitary ware state of the grapes, between others.

They were precursors in the creation of the Spanish market of the analytical enológica, in a period in which very few companies vitivinícolas had recognised the strategic importance of this.

In narrow symbiotic collaboration with the developers and manufacturers have gone in command of the market, being the first in entering in 1994 the sequential chemical analysers (enzymatic, colorimetric and turbidimétricos) and in the 2002 the analysers of infrared half (IRTF), after having collaborated in his development and tuned in France from 1997. In 2007 they were pioneering in reagents enológicos in liquid format attaining, once again, democratise the analytical cost for the laboratories enológicos.

They enjoy of the widest ranges of the market, so much in Chemical as in Infrared, as well as in Reactive Enológicos; being able to like this give analytical solution to all type of laboratories enológicos.

From his department of R&D, develop new technicians of interest generalised: like the objective measurement of the must in Reception, well was the colour or the sanitary ware state. Also they devote to innovar and optimise the technicians used in the actuality: reagents enológicos, calibrations, etc.

Technology Iberian Diffusion works in narrow collaboration with his collaborators so that the exchange of technical and commercial experiences is equilibradamente reciprocal.