
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Primer Estudio de Mercado de Equipos Periféricos para Plásticos organizado por Plásticos Universales – Interempresas
The meeting for the realisation of the study took place on 9 July in Fira of Barcelona

First Study of Market of Peripheral Equipment for plastics organised by Universal plastics – Interempresas

Ibon Linacisoro29/08/2012
It does practically 15 plastic years Universal – Interempresas set up an initiative with annual character that already has strengthened of plenary in the industry of the plastics and that has the participation of all the involved: the Study of Market of Machines of Injection. In this occasion, attending to the demand of numerous actors of this sector, the past month of July celebrated for the first time the Study of Market of Peripheral Equipment for plastics, with the same format that the already classical study on inyectoras. The appointment took place in Fira of Barcelona, organiser of Equiplast, and participated all the most notable suppliers of our country, a total of 31, that had access to some unknown data until the moment.

The meeting that plastic Universal – Interempresas organised on 9 July 2012 had all the characteristics of a first time. The participation of the 31 companies valued in group as very positive, although it remains margin for the improvement. Also they arose doubts around the data that have to ask for future announcements of this meeting that, to the equal that his greater sister of the sector of the injection, will have en el futuro an annual character. In spite of the doubts and of some adjust in the form, the core of this study of peripheral equipment will continue being the same and will follow turning around the same equipment: refrigeration, termorregulación, transport and treatment of material, equipment of recovery and miscellaneous equipment. More in concrete, in the field of the refrigeration the assistants explain already with data of sales of refrigerators, termoenfriadores and batteries and towers evaporativas, whereas in the one of the termorregulación, the data refer to the thermoregulators by water and by oil. The epígrafe more important is the one of transport and treatment of material, that includes data sobe feeders, dryers, dehumidifiers, dosificadores volumetric and gravimétricos, silos and installations of feeding centralised. In the field of the equipment of recovery the study of market contributes data of mills and trituradores and of heartbreaking, whereas inside the section of miscellaneous equipment, the study of market has taken into account the stravel transportadoras, the separadores of coladas and the metal detectors and separators.

In definite, this first study that will continue celebrating every year, presents to the companies participants a complete panorama of the figures of sales, in units and in volume of business, of a sector, the one of the peripherals, that keeps a level of acceptable sales, given the circumstances of the economy in general and of the sector of the plastics in particular. As already it observed in the recent study of market of inyectoras, already are two the consecutive years in which it has increased the sale of machines of injection, which definitely also has effects on the sale of peripherals. Claro that in addition to optimist it is necessary to be realistic. Although this tendency confirm in the next years, will find us in a sector in phase of recovery that hardly will reach in the short term the figures of the year 2000.
It treats of an only study in Spain that contributes notable information to the participants to undertake his commercial strategies. Of the same form that occurs with the study of market of inyectoras, the meeting to know the data of sales of the peripheral equipment constituted also an only occasion for the debate and the most particular conversations between the participants. The meeting provides to the professionals that compete in the market each day, the possibility to debate on subjects that affect to all by equal and even of subjects more particular, in the small corrillos that form during the pause for the coffee.
In general terms, to judge by the expressesed in the own meeting and by the answers to the questionnaire envoy by Universal plastics – Interempresas, the participants think that the plastic transformers have not loaned the owed attention to the peripherals in the past, although it is a tendency that is changing of evident form since, as they say many, the peripheral team in the industry of the plastic is so important like the machine of transformation in himself same. The users observe that to be able to guarantee the complete productive quality, the control of the process of manufacture is fundamental and in the care and control of each detail of the process take part the peripherals. Racionalizar The consumption of a costly prime matter and increase the efficiency of a process of transformation are forms to contribute value added to the production and here, the peripherals have a fundamental paper. Claro that this is easy to explain, but no so easy to assimilate by the market. Always it has been like this, but surely more still now with the difficulties by which crosses the sector, the factor costs positions in the first places to the hour to value the purchase of peripherals. Show the increase of the profitability in the production is a task that corresponds to the suppliers. It was as it went, all the participants agree in that the importance of the peripherals is very big, and his quality and reliability, a point to have very in account.
On the other hand, an upward trend between the transformers is the decision of purchase of complete lines, especially in the sector of the extrusion, or when it treats of complex lines of injection in which it suits that all the cell was piloted by an alone provider. However, the casuística is very diverse and are many also those that buy his equipment separately. Some times by not depending on an alone provider, others for purchasing the qualities that wish in each peripheral. It is not infrequent that a supplier of machines of transformation was to his time provider of peripheral equipment, which facilitates the things to the transformer of plastics.

In general terms the participants in the study also coincide in signalling the assistance and the service like available important argument to do with the requests.


Supplying of peripheral participants in the study of 2012

Alboex (Tooltemp, Hellweg, Labotek)


• Alimatic (Maguire)

• Ambisort

Centrotécnica (NovaFrigo, Moditec, AEC/Wrap)

Coscollola (Regloplas, Getecha, Motan/Colortronic, Frigel)

Equifab (Refrion)

Equiper (Frigosystem, plastic System, Crizaf)

Gravipes (Econ, Brabender)

Gs Tècnic (Tricool, SB)

Guzmán Global (Rapid, Main Tech)

• Helmut Roegele (EasyTemp/Single, Wanner, Koch)

Imvolca (Meccanoplastica, Spiroflux)

• Lainig

• Luiso (Piovan, Plasco)

• Mateu Solé


• MTP (Eurochiller, Moretto)

Netstal (HB-Therm)

Novair MTA (MTA)


• Protecnic (Weima, Previero)


• Raorsa (Virginio Nastri)

Regulator Cetrisa

Schneider (Herbold)


Related Companies or Entities

Alboex Periféricos, S.L.
Alimatic, S.L.
Ambisort Circular, S.L.U.
Comercial Schneider, S.A.
Coscollola Cial, S.L.
Equiper, S.L.
Gravipes, S.L.
GS tècnic periféricos y componentes, S.L.
Guzmán Polymers, S.L.U.
Imvolca, S.L.
Lainig Industrial, S.L.
Maquinaria Termo Plásticos, S.L.
Netstal Ibérica, S.A.
Pallmann Ibérica
Protecnic 1967, S.L.
Raorsa Maquinaria, S.L.
Regulator-Cetrisa | Regulación de Motores, S.L.
Roegele, S.A.
STX Radial Ambient, S.L.
Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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