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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sistema de visión Xpectia, “prácticamente como un ojo humano”
Omron committed to open systems

The vision Xpectia, "almost like a human eye" system

Nerea Gorriti27/11/2008
Omron has been submitted to the European market through the holding of seminars informative and practical, and upon its release in Japan, its revolutionary system of vision Xpectia, that as noted Julián Montes, head of product marketing in the sensory area"is almost like a human eye by the immediacy with which recognizes almost any color, shape and dimension". During the coming-out of the new system, which took place in Barcelona on November 19, customers knew the benefits of this new inspection system that stands out for the detection of true color, 3D functionality, the orientation through an intuitive user interface and nowMoreover, by its flexibility, since the user can adapt the product to their needs. In short, a completely user-oriented product.

Like the human eye, Xpectia can identify objects of any color and size at different distances. It also includes a touch screen very easy to use, as well as numerous automatic functions that simplify and expedite the implementation of vision systems.

Since vision Xpectia systems use a true color system able to detect up to 16 million colors, their results have much greater precision and stability of color or monochrome systems-conventional. On the other hand, absolutely removed the complex task of selecting color filters.

The coming-out of the Xpectia took place in Barcelona
The coming-out of the Xpectia took place in Barcelona.

Xpectia systems also include high UXGA resolution of 2 megapixels cameras. These devices allow at the same time inspect the large and small features of the object, as well as to detect small defects in large objects. It's practically impossible tasks with standard resolution cameras.

They also have functions for three-dimensional, both independent and combined with a two-dimensional inspection inspection. In this way, objects of complex which prevent put them horizontally are easy to measure.

Sequences of inspection and decision tree structures, as well as software packages for specific applications can be easily implemented. On the other hand, Omron offers simulation software that can be used to assess the viability of the applications and to perform configurations without connection, which substantially reduces the time required for the implementation of new systems.

Attendees were able to discover first-hand the advantages of each product
Attendees were able to discover first-hand the advantages of each product.

Omron Electronics Xpectia systems are marketed with a wide range of drivers, including versions with interfaces integrated touch screens that support up to a maximum of four chambers. They allow to combine the advantages of a compact vision system with the power and flexibility of an industrial PC platform.

Open vision systems, maximum flexibility

One of the demands of the customers that Omron has responded, is the possibility that the user can make changes, which means that the client can adapt the product to their needs without changing equipment, with consequent cost savings. The company plans the launch of this new application in Spain in early 2009.

Also as of January, as they advanced during the day, release camera of 5 megapixels of resolution to obtain very accurate quality inspections.

An intuitive and user-friendly interface
An intuitive and user-friendly interface.
&quote;Almost like a human eye&quote;
"Almost like a human eye".

Simulation of PC tool

Omron has also launched a new tool of simulation for PC, 'PC Simulation Tool' that allows the user to preevaluar and carry out a feasibility study and on the other hand, allows the configuration of parameters and displays the results using images of actual implementation.

Detection of true color
Detection of true color.

New vision Xpectia FZ system

Omron Xpectia FZ is the new concept of vision where integrates detection of real color, high resolution and functionality, and a very intuitive user interface.

• 16 million colors make a system of real color without the need for filters to perform more accurate discrimination.

• Work with up to 2 Mpix cameras guarantees the highest resolution and detection of small defects.

• Models with touch screen to further facilitate monitoring and adjustment of parameters.

• Industrial PC platform to withstand harsh environmental conditions and provide greater security and reliability in time.

• Simulation tool. Settings, test and maintenance without the need of connection can be made.

New Xpectia FZD: Inspections 2D to 3D inspections

After the success achieved in the market with the system Xpectia FZ, Omron has created a turning point in the development of systems of vision of high functionality, to incorporate in one team, real color, high resolution (now up to 5 Mpxel) and a really friendly and intuitive user interface.

Now Omron launches the FZD, a system with Xpectia FZ platform and capable of carrying out inspections in line 2 and 3 dimensions simultaneously.

Based on stereoscopic technology combines the images of two precalibradas built-in cameras to your computer in a 3D algorithm.

Logo of Xpectia FZ
Logo of Xpectia FZ.

• Benefits of real color:

-Very stable inspections

-Do not need to be a Setup for each color

-It isn't necessary to set filters

-There is no need to think about "as the system converts the image seen on screen before process it"

-Do not convert images, inspect exactly what is on screen

-No more differences between "what I see" and that "the system is"

-The complexity is reduced

Simple menu
Simple menu.

The company, in addition to this product, has been renovated throughout its product portfolio-oriented vision in just two years, "the development of technology in eighteen months is record time," recalled mountains. To be able to reinvent itself constantly, Omron invests 7% of its turnover in r & d. Not in vain, since 1958 its company policy passes through improving the lines and production processes and is based on two distinct principles: quality and simplicity.

More information:

Related Companies or Entities

Omron Electronics Iberia, S.A.U.

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