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Stand out new lines of mills for the industry of the plastic

Mills: no only granulate or triturar

Editorial Interempresas20/05/2014

If the user looks for increasingly solutions in an alone team, the manufacturers of mills have known to listen his demands and today find in the market machines that go further of the mere trituración. To continuation are the mill triturador of Moditec Goliath Plus ‘Slide', signature represented by Centrotécnica; the series of GRS of Getecha, distributed by Coscollola Commercial, contrived for works in white room; the special mills for brittle plastics of Wanner, represented by Helmut Roegele; the mills "to open heart" of Rapid, distributed distributed by Augusto Guimarãis & Irmãor Spain, SLU (AGI Spain) or the series of robust mills of the series SMS of Herbold Mecksheim GmbH, that commercialises Commercial Schneider.


New trituradores Moditec Goliath Plus ‘Slide'

The particular technology of the trituradores Moditec to low speed of cut, bases in toothed rollers that bite the material without frictions, achieves that this do not degrade and allow a substantial increase in the percentage of triturado to mix with the virgin material by the high quality of the triturado, regulate, no degraded and exento of dust. The new generation of the range ‘Slide' have the peculiarity to have of a system of attachment between the engine-reductor and the axis of the camera of cut, desacoplable, freeing this last in few seconds, what facilitates the works of maintenance and cleaning. The new location of the engine in vertical position do the most compact team, if it fits.


Besides the system IMD of detection of metals in camera of trituración, created and patented by Mo-say-tec, is able to detect any metallic particle and detain the team in 40 thousandth of second, avoiding damages to east or the sending of metallic particles to the circuit of materials, avoiding eventual failures in machines and moulds.

The wide the range of trituradores that go from small equipment of sobremesa for laboratory and micro injection, going through trituradores on foot of machine of different measures, and until big units of recovery of 746 x 840 mm of mouth, work always to low speed of twist of the rotor of cutting (25 rpm) with a high pair of resultant twist, motorisation of low power (reduced consumption). Components of the camera of cut manufactured in material treaty anti wear that awards a long life to the group (even working with abrasive materials), scarce need of maintenance and the opening in 2 halves of the main body of the team allows an easy, safe and fast cleaning, as well as the access for any type of intervention.

Mills GRS of Getecha for white room

Between other series, Getecha develops mills to proof of dust for requirements of clean room with standard (particles <> 1,0 μm) necessary in the transformation of plastics. The solution of granulation, based in the models GRS 180 / GRS 300 with rotary presses cut, works in surroundings to proof of dust and the entrance of his hopper avoids the eyección of the material granulated.

The models the GRS180 or the GRS300 allow to pour the material directly to the big mouth of entrance and afterwards, direct to the rotor bent. There tritura of uniform and reliable form. Besides, these mills stand out because they happen immediately to full performance.

The granuladores GRS have a camera of granulated divided and a big mouth of the camera of granulation that starts in full service from the stop even when they are full.

GRS 180

GRS 180.

The model GSR 180 has a camera of granulated of 285 x 200 mm, a rotor Ø of 180 mm, an engine of 2,2 kW and a performance of 35 kg/h.

Likewise, the model GSR 300 has a camera of granulated of 450 x 335 mm, a rotor Ø of 300 mm, an engine of 5,5 kW and a performance of 80 kg/h.

Mills of Wanner

Especially designed for treatment of brittle plastic materials. By means of trituradores preliminary compact, the pieces and bebederos plastic subject to a grinded previous and to continuation by means of toothed rollers trituran without sieve until the size of final particle.

Compared with the ones of the series C, obtain additional advantages with regard to the quality of the material obtained, especially with brittle materials and bebederos fine.

In this way do not seem astillas and therefore, the material of molienda final presents lower quantity of fine parts in the case of the brittle plastic materials. The machines of the series Xtra also possess a very compact construction and result easy to clean. The tools of cut toughened manufactured with alloys of steel of high quality, guarantee a long durability even triturando abrasive plastics.


On the other hand, the model Compact, is a universal series of mills granuladores on foot of machine with a technician that has accredited thousands of times in his application for the processes of moldeo by injection and blown.

The geometry optimised of trituración allows to transform any type of conventional plastic in material grinded of high quality and practically without dust. It does not matter which type of thermoplastic (TPE) soft gomosos or reinforced and abrasive technicians treat .

The series C is endowed of components of material especially toughened constituting in machines polifacéticas ideals for all type of transformative company of plastics. It allows an easy free access to the camera of molienda, for his fast and simple cleaning, facilitating like this the multiple changes of material.



By his part, the mills of the series Power of Wanner are ideal machines for the granulation of bulky parts and trituración primary of scraps and bebederos accumulated.

Thanks to the construction of the camera of molienda and the rotors with forceful properties of drag, guarantees that the bebederos rolled up or equal pieces ease and rapidity. The mills granuladores are manufactured of series with carcasa insonorizada integrated , what ensures an effective amortiguación of the noises.

By means of some manual manoeuvres and entirely without help of tools can open easily the camera of molienda and effect his fast cleaning.



Mills Rapid

The mills Rapid have of an ergonomic design that allows to open the camera of complete cutting and achieve a total access to the heart of the machine facilitating a cleaning, maintenance and inspection much faster.

In a pair of steps – and without the utilisation of tools – attains a fast and easy access to the camera of cutting and components associated, including the fixed and rotary presses blades, for cleaning, change or maintenance. Clear visual access to the elements of the heart of the machine that allows a visibly clean “inspection” and the seen well of the machine before finalising the operation, warning the potential pollution in the changes of colour and material. From here that any reduction in these costs, in terms of time and money, will have a direct impact in the efficiency and operation of the machine.


The mill of low speed Rapid 150 that commercialises Guzmán Polymers is ideal for standard applications on foot of machine or as small central mill. This line of product incorporates important technological advances that contribute to an operation of high provision and that have converted to Rapid in a reference of first line in mills. To adapt perfectly to all his needs of trituración, Rapid offers a range of four compact models, configured of factory, that cover a wide interval of flows of process of material.

The model 600, is the elder of the mills heart-open that has done never, is the series 600 of Rapid Granulator that allows to reduce until 50% the times of maintenance and cleaning, without engaging the hygiene or the quality of the triturado.

Well of form centralised or on foot of machine, the series 600 is designed for a high volume of trituración of pieces injected, of blown or of extrusion and refused, and can reach capacities of until 2.500 kg/h. The series, that has a diameter of rotor of 600 mm, is available in widths of 900, 1.200 and even 1.500 mm. Besides, to give even more flexibility, the machines can instrument with the camera of cut Súper Tangential of Rapid to allow the triturado of pieces bigger that the diameter of the rotor.



Mills SMS of Herbold Mecksheim

The series of robust mills of the series SMS of to been Herbold Mecksheim GmbH, represented by Commercial Schneider, are machines that consist of rotors of widths of 600 until 2000 mm, with powers of accionamientos of 45 until 315 kW. The blades are designed in shape of segments, giving priority in the design to the ease and simplicity of exchange of the tools, and all this in an only process of work.

Typical demands for these mills are: pieces semiacabados heavy and of thick walls of PE, PP, POM and PA, tubes with big thicknesses of wall and big cakes of starts. However, no only it is díficil triturar material of thick walls, if no also fibre of aramid (that for example it uses for the manufacture of bulletproof waistcoats), fibres of coal and materials of composite, all this like materials difficult of triturar.

Like typical examples also have to mention the dirty wastes of synthetic materials, that are very abrasive. In case of triturarse in mills with worn blades originates a big load on the rotor and the carcasa: has to avoid that they originate rajas and breaks in continuous operation.

Why in a step? In a lot of cases there is not sufficient space to mount a solution to two steps. Also it influences the appearance and the limitation of performance of the pretrituración. Many times it exerts a negative influence on the quality of the material triturado, if it has triturado with the tools in bad conditions: the granza will not have good properties of fluidity, neither the suitable density. Another reason for choosing a poceso of tituración in a step, can be small batches of materials to triturar. Or small batches of materials that require to realizar frequent cleanings. Finally it is necessary to mention that two machines require twice works of maintenance and twice works of repair.

For abrasive materials, for example material reinforced with fibre of glass, the signature offers rotors and carcasas armoured against willing wear with a margin of wear recambiable.

Related Companies or Entities

Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A.
Comercial Schneider, S.A.
Coscollola Cial, S.L.
Guzmán Polymers, S.L.U.

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