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Maplan Days of Technology 2014, a forum of experts in technology of elastomers

Maplan Celebrates his internal fair and Ternitz (Austria)

Editorial Interempresas14/04/2014

The company specialist in rubber Maplan, represented by Coscollola Commercial, is at present preparing for the event of two days Maplan Days of Technology that will take place the days 4 and 5 June for customers and collaborators of all the world.

The forum of this sector offers an overview of the tendencies and of the current state of the business of the technology of elastomers. The visitors will find with an interaction of conferences, demonstrations on foot of machine in the hall of machines and miscellaneous stands of companies collaborators.

Wolfgang Meyer, CEO of Maplan...
Wolfgang Meyer, CEO of Maplan: “In a highly specialised industry as it is the one of the technology of the elastomer, is extremely important can have an exchange of information and ideas of the experts. Our aim is to allow a wide diffusion as well as develop new ideas. Our experience would have to go further of the technology of machines and offer information and guide for the technical application and the challenges of process”.

The day Maplan Days of Technology 2014 present new technologies in injection machinery of elastomer. The event is focalizado in the vertical machines and horizontals with a strength of closing between 1.600 and 4.600 kN, the automation, the quality and the technology of applications.

They will exhibit in the hall of machines, vertical machines and horizontals with a strength of closing between 1.600 and 4.600 kN...
They will exhibit in the hall of machines, vertical machines and horizontals with a strength of closing between 1.600 and 4.600 kN.

Besides, the experts in elastomers can expand his knowledges on efficient power, the current optimisations in cost and process. Incidentally, they will show projects of customers with solutions of automation, technology 2K and processing of solid silicone.

Energetic efficiency more stability in the process: vertical Machine for elastomer MTF1500-250 edition
Energetic efficiency more stability in the process: vertical Machine for elastomer MTF1500-250 edition.

Collaboration with the industry and the universities

Maplan And 22 collaborators will present and will comment his new technologies by means of conferences and tables of information. The University Leoben as well as the Institute of Processing of plastics (IKV), will organise conferences. Wolfgang Meyer, CEO of Maplan has commented: “In a highly specialised industry as it is the one of the technology of the elastomer, is extremely important can have an exchange of information and ideas with the experts. Our aim is to allow a wide diffusion as well as develop new ideas. Our experience would have to go further of the technology of machines and offer information and guide for the technical application and the challenges of process”.

Maplan Expects to attend roughly 250 visitors of all the world.

Setting of the machine MHF 400-200 in Ternitz
Setting of the machine MHF 400-200 in Ternitz.

Related Companies or Entities

Coscollola Cial, S.L.

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