
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La producción en serie del A400M potencia el negocio de las empresas andaluzas
The day 30 September celebrated in Seville the ceremony of delivery of the first request to France by part of Airbus Military

The production in series of the To400M power the business of the Andalusian companies

Editorial Interempresas08/10/2013

The entrance in production in series of the To400M already has generated a load of work for the Andalusian companies valued in more than 130 million euros, according to the data of the Cluster Aerospace Andalusian Propeller, that estimates that in the next 20 years, with the deliveries of the already hired requests by seven European countries, the Program will generate to the Andalusian auxiliary industry a volume of business of 4.400 millions. Only the Line of Emsamblaje Final (FAL) already has supposed an investment of more than 400 million euros and a direct outsourcing to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing auxiliary industry in the community of 180 million euros. Fifteen Andalusian companies of the Cluster Propeller have received direct commissions of Airbus Military, although the load of work of the To400M has benefited indirectly to more than 63% of the Andalusian auxiliary industry, composed by some 120 companies.

15 Andalusian companies of the Cluster Propeller have received direct commissions of Airbus Military...

15 Andalusian companies of the Cluster Propeller have received direct commissions of Airbus Military, although the load of work of the To400M has benefited indirectly to more than 63% of the Andalusian auxiliary industry, some seventy-five companies. Photo: Airbus  Military, FAL.

The Cluster Propeller, that gathers in his Board of Trustees to the main institutional agents and industrial of the aerospace sector Andalusian and that has a Council of Business Action formed at present by 43 companies, has valued of form very positive the Andalusian participation in the To400M and has stood out the opportunities of growth that supposes for the next years, when it arrive to the phase of full performance in the production.

The main entities of the Cluster Propeller involved in the manufacture in series of the To400M have been Aeroestructuras Seville, Aertec, Airgrup, AyG Seville, Elimco, Galvatec, Industry Siderometalúrgica Giennense, Inespasa, MDU, Navair, Alestis Aerospace, Seville Control, UMI aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, Carbures and Mecatecnic.

The president of the cluster aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Andalusian, Juan Pedro Watches, considers that the ceremony of delivery of the first request to France by part of Airbus Military, supposes for the Andalusian aerospace industry a “historical moment” and has to serve of spur to the companies so that they are conscious of the big opportunity that represents the assembling of the To400M in Andalucia.

“Have to take advantage of the impulse of the To400M and of other civil programs of Airbus in which we also have a big participation to access to new international markets, hire with other big manufacturers and increase our specialisation, competitiveness and technological capacity”, has signalled Juan Pedro Watches.

The president of the Cluster trusts that the positive data of growth that the aerospace sector Andalusian has kept in the last years, and that saw confirmed in 2012 with a growth particularly of the auxiliary sector (+14%), keep in this 2013, encouraged by the greater loads of work related with the first deliveries of the To400M and of the setting of the first units of the program To350, aeroplane that did recently his inaugural flight the past month of June.

Estimates that in the next 20 years, with the delivery of the 174 aeroplanes of the program...

Estimates that in the next 20 years, with the delivery of the 174 aeroplanes of the program, will generate to the companies of the cluster aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Andalusian a volume of business of 4.400 M€. Photo: Airbus  Military.

Only the Line of Final Assembling (FAL) has supposed an investment of more than 400 M€ and a direct outsourcing to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing auxiliary industry in the community of 180 M€

Related Companies or Entities

Fundación Hélice - Cluster Andalucía Aerospace

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