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Kreyenborg Presents the technology drum of infrared IRD

Dried, crystallisation and warming within a matter of minutes and no hours

Editorial Interempresas21/02/2013
Coscollola participated in the fair Exposólidos, contest that took place of the 12 to 14 February in L´Hospitalet (Barcelona), in which it took advantage of to give to know the technology of dried IRD and cutting under water of Kreyenborg no only for plastic applications currents. Also it gave to know other products of other signatures that represents.

The dried IRD is a technology of dried of prime matter. This, effected in drums of infrared, is famous by his dried fast and energetically efficient. The main market for the dryers of drum of infrared is the plastic industry.

At the beginning the recycled of PET was the main application, in which the IRD showed his advantages. In the meantime, the IRD cover numerous plastic applications and almost daily discover new applications.

The experience purchased in plastic applications constituted the base to carry other applications apart from the own market of transformation of plastic.

Nowadays the IRD dry successfully numerous materials like ceramics, mineral and ingredients for the feeding.

The technology of plants Kreyenborg account a lot of years of experience in handle of prime matter. Always they use his silos special and mezcladores Universal-Quick to store material of low fluidity or homogenise materials no uniform in silos.

Hand-held of the Group Kreyenborg, the IRD often install combined with other components of the group. For example the revestimiento of sticky thermoplastic materials with dusts is a solution accredited, where the IRD of technology of plants Kreyenborg and the systems of cut under water of BKG adapt the material, saving like this in technologies of production on line and offering properties of product inauditsas.

Fields of application of the IRD

The drums of infarrrojos IRD of Kreyenborg use in diverse applications: the fields of application imaginables are practically boundless and do not encircle only to the industry of the plastic.

Basically, the tecnogía can use with any matter to granel. The operative principle of the infrared does unnecessary the manufacturing of the dry air, what allows to use them especially in applications with high degrees of humidity of entrance.


Special advantages for PET and PLA triturado

The classical application of the drum of infrared are systems of dried and crystallisation of material triturado and PET granulated. They use so many cuts triturados of pertinent plastic plate of lines of termomoldeo like rests recycled of the trade. The copos of plastic also can mix with new material, not taking place any segregation by materials in the drum.

The technology IRD presents also big potentials for the dried of PLA, already was material new or especially cuts triturados of the production of plates blown.

Particularly for the rests of plastic plate of PLA, that tends to go back very sticky in the phase of crystallisation to 60 °C, the drum of infrared constitutes a system of dried ideal because the material finds constantly in movement.


Field of application of the IRD

- Dried of granulated of plastic (for example, ABS, PC, LCP, composed wooden and PP).

- Crystallisation and dried of PET, PPS, PLA (rests triturados and granulated)

- Processes of dried with high degrees of humidity of entrance >1%

- Warming of granulated and cuts triturados before his processed ulterior (for example PVC, PE), between other reasons, to increase the production in the extrusion).

- thermal sensors sensors processes of elimination of oligómeros remaining and volatile elements

- Operations of dried in the alimentary and pharmaceutical industry.

The exposed equipment in his stand sfueron the following:

  • Unit of transport for dust Metre PCN for materials of dense flow. It uses a valve of butterfly (DN 300 mm) that guarantees a safe download of the material.
  • Instrument of dosage gravimétrico C-Flex with discharges between 1 and 6.000 l/h with flexible hopper of poliuretano to avoid bridges and vaults, hermetical concept that avoids ensuciamiento of the machine and/or system.
  • Station of 3 dosificadores gravimétricos Graviplus expandable to 12 with monitory continuous of the flow of the material in relation to the weight. Direct introduction of the percentages. Dosificadores configurables Of individual form in function of the material to work: dust, copos, granza, liquid.
  • Drum of Infrared IRD for deshumificación, crystallisation and dried of raw materials. The operative principle of the infrared does unnecessary the manufacturing of the dry air, what allows to use them in processes with high degrees of humidity of entrance. Discharges between 150 and 1.500 kg/h.
  • Systems BKG of cut under water. They guarantee a safe granulation without time of stop, with low tax of rejections thanks to the process of start automated, without need of ‘enhebrado' and with adjust and sharp automatic of the blades.

Related Companies or Entities

Coscollola Cial, S.L.

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