Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Steam generators

Labo A-HT /HT 2

Vaporisers Of laboratory: for all the industries that use the vaporizador in continuous

Picture of Vaporisers Of laboratory
The vaporizador of laboratory "Labo To-HT" is an indispensable device for all the industries that use the vaporizador in continuous of Sumalla.

It reproduces the same conditions of existent steam in his vaporizador, already was with saturated operation to 102 °C - 106 °C that on heated to 165 °C-190 °C allowing the correct manufacturing of the racetas of tooling that have to use . His employment is advisable also in the laboratories of the producing houses of colorantes.

In addition to the model Labo To-HT, produce the model HT 2F. It treats of a machine studied of particular form for the fixation of toolings with the method "2-phases" on cotton or viscous.

It is constituted by a foulard of two horizontal cylinders placed under the camera of vaporised with saturated steam or H.T.

The foulard is synchronised electrically with the vaporizador to allow a continuous passage and without tension of the fabric impregnated of alcali in the foulard.

The temperature of treatment is comprised between 102 °C and 140 °C.