Metrología Sariki, S.A. - Coordinate measuring machines (three-dimensional)

Mitutoyo CNC Mach 3A

Three-dimensional machine: cNC. Measurement in flexible production line

Picture of Three-dimensional machine
Mach-3A machines and V maximize machining operations by integrating online or near line, machine high speed along with the machines coordinate measuring tool CNC.

These high performance MMC, can be incorporated into the production line and can provide pre/post feedback to the machine tool for machining settings.

The model of this machine is the Mach - 3A 653 with a range of X, Y, Z of 605 X 505 X 285 mm, accuracy 2, 5 + 0, 35 L/100 µm, speed Max. 1212 mm/s and Acceleration Max. 1.2 g.