Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Termómetros especiales

Thermocouples: for thermal sensors validations

Picture of Thermocouples
Designed to do validations in pharmaceutical industry, alimentary or hospitable, the thermocouples offered by Iberfluid, fulfil the requirements FDA as well as the standards GMP. The software associated allows to generate of simple form a complete documentation of the process of validation.

The equipment of acquisition of data can work like autonomous systems or connected to a PC. The thermocouples have until 128 channels and carcasa of apt stainless steel for aggressive environingingments in a plant of production.

Each thermocouple incorporates a GO chip that allows to identify it, store the calibración and the adjust. This allows to guarantee a precision without equal in the market (±0,05 °C).

Given the high precision and stability of the thermocouples type T, is not necessary to do pre and post calibraciones in each cycle with the consequent saving that this supposes.

Has his applications in alimentary industry: sterilisation in autoclaves, rotary presses autoclaves, pastaurised, cocederos, ovens, freezers, etc.

In addition to applications in pharmaceutical and hospitable industry: autoclaves, ovens, stoves, cameras of stability, freezers, incubators, warehouses, etc.