Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Weigh bridge


System of weighing fixed by axis: static and dynamic

Picture of System of weighing fixed by axis
The system of weighing of vehicles of load axis by axis has a big number of specific applications: for the national authorities or of the autonomous communities to verify the fulfillment of the respective regulation of weight by the vehicles of load; by the companies of the private transport or of the autotransporte to verify that his vehicles fulfil with the regulation of valid weights, so much with regard to the vehicular gross weight as to the distribution of the load by axles or by groups of axles; for all the applications of supplies or of transports to granel of liquids or solids, when the loaded weight have to be calculated by difference between the gross weight of the loaded vehicle and the gross weight of the vehicle in empty; for the operations of load and download in port fiscal enclosures or aeroportuarios, to calculate quickly the loads handled like difference of gross weights and taras of the vehicles; and other a lot of.

In all the cases, the program will supply customised in accordance with the application or applications that constitute the work of the scale of weighing, issuing the certificates or report that they result necessary or adapted to each case.

Between his advantages stand out:

Pesaje dynamic (in movement) of vehicles in circulation to speeds of 5 km/h until 8 km/h.

Approval of the CEE of Class III and Class IIII with Certificate N° T 6377 in compliance with the standard CEE/90/384. For weighing static.

Determination of the weight by axis, by groups of axles and of the total weight of the vehicle (PBV).

Precision of 0,1% weighing in static way and of 1% @ 2? (95.4% of the samples) weighing with the vehicle circulating.

Programs of software adapted to the needs of operation of each user.