Landes Poli Ibérica, S.L. - Measurement instruments (durometer, callipers, profilometers, etc.)

System of microtopografía and perfilometría: without contact

Picture of System of microtopografía and perfilometría
This machine of microtopografía and perfilometría model Micromesure 2 has of some travel of 100 x 100 mm (X,And) with the possibility to incorporate until 400 mm. In the axis of the Z, is of 50 mm.

It allows to realise measurements without contact of rugosidad superficial, of form and superficial texture and analysis of finishing in mechanised of pressesure, between other options.

For the measurement without contact the optical sensor employs white light and the technical scoop of the microscopía confocal with depth of field extended by chromatic coding.

With this technician obtain better resulted that with the based in laser to measure with extreme precision in any surface (already was, especular, matt, transparent...) Allowing realise measurements in metallic pieces, glass, synthetic materials, ceramic, semiconductors, MEMS and MOEMS, scientific optics or oftalmológica, paper, leather, teeth, wood, etcetera. The areas of application include the Micro and Nanotechnology, Metrology of high precision (Microtopografía, Perfilometría, measurement of rugosidad, measurement of microescalones and thicknesses of layers, reverse Engineering, etc.), Tribología, Microelectrónica and Microsistemas (MEMS, MOEMS, Microsensores...), New materials, Implantología, Biomedicine and a long list.

For greater flexibility, this system allows the selection and automatic change of until four optical sensors of different ranks (eight models from 20 micras until 10 mm with resolutions of 2 mm to 0,3 micras) and two channels of video (increases 50x and 250x) allowing combine measurements of rugosidad with measurements of form programmed in the same sequence.

The system is instrumented with a powerful software that allows to select of simple form the parameters of measurement, as they are size of the area to measure, number of lines and step, automatic selector of the optical sensor, etc. The measurement develops of form totally automatic.

The software of the CD Mountains Map allows the complete analysis of the surface including parameters of rugosidad, curve of Abbott-Firestone, analysis FFT, representation 3D, autonivelación, etcetera.