Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Thermohygrometers

Testo Saveris

System of measurement of temperature and humidity: monitoring automated of the measurements during the transport

Picture of System of measurement of temperature and humidity
The system of measurement Testo Saveris, in addition to registering the temperature and the humidity, also allows the documentation centralised and the broadcast of alarms if they exceed value them limit established. The system of measurement also can install in mobile applications, as for example during the transport of foods or pharmaceutical products.

Thanks to his totally automatic operation for the measurement and documentation of the values, provides a big saving of time to the operario. And, above all else, it offers a big hygiene thanks to the broadcast of alarms every time that it exceeds a value limit.

The software Saveris is available in three versions: the basic version (SBE); the professional version (PROF) with functions of additional analyses and presentation detailed of the values measured by means of graphic; and the version 21 CFR, with complete integration of the method of access in the system of hygiene Windows, storage of data and impressesion of reports.