Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Vehicle identification systems

System of control of accesses personalizable: recognition of matrícula, RFID, interfonía

Picture of System of control of accesses personalizable
Kineo Integrates different technologies to adapt to the particular needs of each customer. Have examples of installations with recognition of matrículas (leading and rear of trailers), and/or RFID for usual vehicles, IRID for systems with inhibition of frequencies, pieces of furniture for interaction with the users (interfono, impressesion of ticket, reader of cards of vicinity, scanner of codes, keyboards and display, etc). They develop applications of gestión of accesses and permissions or integrate with systems that already exist. Total flexibility and national and international coverage.

The autonomous system of recognition of matrículas Kineo ANPR is a system of control of accesses developed by Kineo TGT, with the highest technology that develops in Spain.

Between his characteristics stand out: installation Plug & Play, architecture customer / server, flexible and scalable system, integrable with other systems of control and/or hygiene of third, boundless number of viales, viales reversible and bidireccionables, simultaneous gestión of black lists and two modalities: Autonomous Gestión / Solution IP.


Parkings public and private.

Accesses to residential zones and populations.

Companies and industrial zones.

Campings and Hotels.

Borders and tolls.


Any surroundings in which it was necessary to manage the entrance/gone out of vehicles.

Software of Gestión:

it Is the module of software that allows to manage systems of control of access, by means of recognition of matrícula, being able to incorporate a module of control of access by means of radiofrecuencia or infrared.

Easy to use and designed for a handle intuitive, reduces the complexity in the Control of Accesses.

Two motors: parking and freeflow (until 200 km/h), of simultaneous way, what allows double way: open barrier (freeflow) / enclosed barrier (parking).

Gestión of semaphores and barriers so much in entrance as in exit and gestión of special vehicles (simultaneous opening of both barriers when they are boards).

Control of the sense of the course for viales narrow or with possibility of unfold.

Local or remote Gestión, without limitation of the number of accesses and identifying the access.

In the case of remote gestión incorporates gestión of incidences.

Gestión of units of business (companies, domiciles, etc), associating vehicles and establishing permissions of access,

Gestión of squares. With allocation or without allocation of square. It allows to know the current state of a square.

It allows to know the movements that have produced in an access, realising a research by type of access, unit of business, matrícula and driver, between some determinate dates and allowing print the results obtained.

We obtain the matrícula, until with two no visible digits, with a reliability of 99%, if it belongs to some vehicle authorised.

Can associate a number of telephone to the vehicle, in such a way that to open the access in addition to authorising by the matrícula, the system do a call to the user of confirmation.

Gestión of visits associated to units of existent business.

BBDD Compatible with all the standards