Renishaw Ibérica, S.A.U. - Probes and dimensional sensors


Probe of inspection for rectificadoras: based in the technology of galgas of effort

Picture of Probe of inspection for rectificadoras

The model Renishaw MP250 is a probe ultra compact designed for rectificadoras that elevates the standards of precision metrológica for the inspection of geometries of piece 3D, at the same time that offers the typical profits of the inspection of piece that allows to reduce the times of set up, reduce the number of pieces refused and improve the control of the productive process. With a robust design and a reliable electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, the probe MP250 also is adapted to work in the surroundings of machine more hostile.

Using the technology patented of galgas of effort Rengage developed by Renishaw, the probe MP250 is able to reach greater levels of precision that the standard mechanical probes. This allows to have a performance submicrométrico 3D in a rank of applications that sue a big precision of measurement, as in surfaces contorneadas of the style of teeth of gears or tools of cutting.

This performance keeps even when the application requires the use of palpadores long. The technology Rengage combines a mechanism patented of detection and an advanced electronic, what confers him to the MP250 a uniformity in the shot in any vector of measurement. The result is a lower flexión of the palpador and a reduced variation of the sobrerrecorrido to the hour to take points of measurement, what allows a better repetibilidad and precision in all the steerings of measurement, as well as a sensitive reduction of the time of calibración compared with the standard probes.

With some dimensions of Ø25 mm x 40 mm of length, the probe MP250 is ideal for applications in rectificadoras with restrictions of space to be able to place it. It is also designed specifically to work in the hardest surroundings existent in the machines rectificadoras, with a body sealed using resistant materials to refrigerantes loaded of particles and high temperatures. The probe MP250 possesses a simple conexionado by means of cableado to the CNC of the machine, possible thanks to the new interface HSI, that can use also with the probes LP2 standard of Renishaw.

In spite of the use of advanced technology like galgas of effort, this does not affect at all to his robustness and reliability. The technology Rengage has been already tested in thousands of applications of inspection in Machine-Tool along all the world, by means of the rest of probes of

high precision like the MP700, the OMP400 the RMP600. The probe MP250 possesses a resistance in front of similar hits to any probe of the previously quoted and offers a big reliability in front of false shots through the use of digital filters.