Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Compacting machines


Juicers: for tubular knitting

Picture of Juicers
Juicers ts2- and ST4-of Corino Machhine, marketed by Somalla, are the answer to the problem of the hidroextracción and the impregnation of tubular knitting fabrics. The machine, available in 4 (ST4-A) or 2 cylinder juicers (TS2-A), with the complete reversible possibility of 2 to 4 cylinders thanks to the modular structure has been devised in order to minimize tensions over tissue and increase the stability of the product.

At the entrance, instead of using guides with rings or other mechanical, often dangerous lasts for brands or deformation of the plot, can cause tissues, Corino Macchine employs a patented system of direct feeding from the destorcedor automatic to cylinders juicers, with the formation of a ball of air on the tubular in decline. This solution significantly reduces travel and therefore reduces the possibility of creating tensions.

Tissue wet immediately below the destorcedor automatic with an "overflow" type system and the flow of the water pushes the product down, forming a natural supercharger. In addition, a new system of guide positioned on the ball down, allows makes rolling the tubular along its axis, to guide the direction of the fabric perfectly.

At the exit, a special system of motorized lasts allow lead tissue to the desired width and supercharge it to the folder.

The machine is built entirely in stainless steel and is equipped with automatic systems for the control of the diameter of the ball and unemployment in the case of holes or knots.

Complete machine, a system for the preparation, the food and the automatic control of the level of the bathroom in the boat of impregnation. The working speed is 0: 80 m/min.