Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Gas and combustion analyzers

Testo 340

Analyser of products of the combustion: for the taking of punctual measurements in burners or industrial motors

Picture of Analyser of products of the combustion
The increase of the cost of the fuels do necessary the effective monitoring of the systems of combustion by means of the measurement of his broadcasts. Instruments Testo has of an analyser instrumented with 4 sensors of gases with which effect said measurements of fast form, simple and prepared for the future. The portable analyser of the products of the combustion testo 340 offers the best manejabilidad for the taking of punctual measurements in burners or industrial motors.

The main characteristic of the analyser is that it is instrumented of series with a sensor of Or2 and has of three zócalos more for the installation of 3 sensors of gases, to choose between six available: CO, CObajo, NO, NObajo, NO2 or UNDER2. These sensors are easily reemplazables by the user, by what the analyser always can adapt to each need of measurement and like this minimise the periods of maintenance.

Another characteristic stood out is the enlargement of the rank of measurement of the sensors, by what the analyser can measure even to high concentrations of gas. His protective cover of rubber protects it against impacts during his daily use.

The analyser of the products of the combustion Testo results especially adapted for the set up, maintenance and repair in: industrial boilers, industrial fixed motors, turbines of gas, and systems of thermal sensors processes.