
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at BIEMH 2006: el optimismo y la cautela prevalecen (parte 2)

BIEMH 2006: optimism and caution prevailing (part 2)



In the case of milling, great leaders seek differentiation and value added in the solution enhancing the part of software, assistance, training or "training", maintenance and process. These aspects are added facilities of financing of the purchase with various formulas. The American manufacturer Haas, strengthens its "CNCplus" with a multimedia learning system with which facilitate the use of the NCC to users non-experts. The company, which has sold more than 10,000 machines of different technologies in 2005, ensures base their success on the quality and range of its product, the automation of the production, the proximity to the client, its service of technical assistance and their highly publicized competitive prices.

On the other hand the CME manufacturer introduced their new ranges of milling MP mobile column, and MB, double column and independent Bureau. Nicolás Correa and Anayak took advantage of the feria de Bilbao to give an image of greater integration of product evolution of models after its merger with the adequacy of fairings (more information about the merger in MetalUnivers n ° 33/November 2005)(, in pag.8). Presented the models Supra, Diana, Hvem-3300, VH-Plus and Performer. He stressed, likewise, the design award in the category "Big size" to Diana by Nicolás Correa, milling of bench model sets of 2000 x 1000 x 100 with 18 electromandrino. 000rpm and automatic change of 30 tools.

For its part Ibarmia, joins the multifunctionality with vertical lathe in milling applications and Juaristi presented solutions for a large turbine blade machining. Finally Soraluce, who opted for the range of large size with the FX model equipped with last generation head. The Gipuzkoan company obtained an honourable mention in the eighth edition of the national design award.

Not missed manufacturers of tools such as hoist. They were also Iscar, Ayma or Kenci (Kennametal) on which we already reported in the February issue of MetalUnivers. The product star fly - tools of Amorebieta in the show was undoubtedly the presentation of his newly patented Strawberry of hard metal K30F and X-TIAIN coating with variable propeller Ref. 9406. In order to understand this type of tool must be borne in mind that usually strawberries of hard metal suffer machining vibrations, which suffer from major micro-roturas in the cutting edge. New HV Izartool strawberries, on the other hand, get eliminate vibration during machining, with which the surface finish improves substantially and increases the advance to 40-50 per cent. The heights of milling must be 1.5 x diameter of the strawberry.

Other new features save time of machining in the detour of pieces, with a good superficial without changing tool finish. They also stressed super-acabado to conventional machining and high-speed strawberries.

Standard mould

IMT, S.A. is a company dedicated to the provision of materials standard for the industry of the mold, the die-stamping, forming and injection of metals and plastics. He represents companies of long experience and advises customer problems or doubts that arise you.

There are already four editions that IMT, S.A. has been exhibiting in the BIEHM of Bilbao. The views of policymakers about the fair are interesting: "times change, and although such fair also, we believe that today the virtuality is imposing and the majority of exhibitors already presented their latest in web pages by which these can be seen from the work place", without having to scroll. "Perhaps, for all these reasons above and due to the current situation of the market this year the fair has not received the number of expected visits".

Among the novelties presented by IMT, S.A. are Strack eclipsables elements, which are more than a sample bid for new products of quality and advanced technology as the elements of centering device, retainers of slides, carts, sliding elements, triggers...

Another novelty comes from the hand of Tipco. It's a product that is breaking the hegemony on the roscadores. It is a roscador which is incorporated in the die and performs the operation of screw as an operation within the progressive, avoiding in this way second operations abroad; for example, weld a nut.

For more information:


Turning to the technology of turning, Mori Seiki stressed on previous occasions with its range of lathes fresadores which showed operating system MAPPS III, proprietary development. Exposed the lathe 4200 NT DCG fresador of its new NT line characterized by its vertical beam with a minimum occupancy of space. And it is that in the chapter on turning, he highlighted particularly the presence of multifunction solutions, in particular you could see lots of lathes fresadores. The national manufacturer Lealde of the Danobat group, presented his fresador TM-750, designed with Ideko, technological centre. It is characterized by the replacement of the turret tool more than a head milling shaft (b) built-in that allows turning or milling in a fixed position or simultaneously with axes interpolation. For its part Okuma came with the model Multus B300, based on the ThermoFriendly concept to minimize the thermal deformations. Likewise Takizawa (represented by Universal CNC), Daewoo (represented by Comher) and Mazak (Intermaher) attended the exhibition with their fresadores lathes.

As for the heavy range of lathes, Italian manufacturer of Trevisan (represented by MPE) machining centres presented the DS300/70 c model, with option of turning through the use of eccentric tools. Danobat exhibited its Applescript 150/180 2F, lathe, vertical with a capacity of parts of up 3500mm in diameter to sectors as oil, rail or aviation. Within this range, Toshulin presented at demo Powerturn line and double column vertical lathes. The great lack in this area the starred Gildemeister, manufacturer of lathes of the DMG group.

As components emphasize the innovation submitted by the manufacturer of lathes Pittler (represented by Siaisa), which has developed for its PV 1250 vertical lathe head fresador that incorporates the movement of the shaft and in the own fresador head. Another novelty the new system of grip with claws with quick change of Röhm.

More satisfaction with services

This latest edition of the BIEMH was the second convened at the new fair of the BEC in Bilbao. While the first edition had the problems of a brand new enclosure and the complaints of the exhibitors were numerous, on this occasion should applaud the efforts made by BEC and the Organization of the fair. The balance from the point of view of the exhibitors of AFM sits on the positive assessment of the organizational, technical and commercial aspects of the sample. The Assembly was made quickly, taking advantage of the quality of the superb facilities of the BEC, allowing an optimal distribution of the sectors in the enclosure, at the height of the best trade fair facilities in the world.

Finally, more than 5,000 people had the possibility to download in your mobile phone or PDA information on exhibitors, by alphabetical order and their exact location, so that each could personalize the plan's visit to the companies of interest. This system, called "Platform Xyber Scout", is a pioneer in our country and be offered for free through the website ( and in the same "Atrium" of the trade fair institution.


Finally, in regard to grinding technology, this 24 Edition of the BIEMH not have has been characterized by the massive presence of manufacturers of machines of this type. The most important international manufacturers presented machinery, such as Studer (Siaisa), Kellenberger (Echazarra Emix), Rosa Ermando (John Martin) went through their State distributors. It is to highlight the absence of other international manufacturers of machinery for grinding, such as ELB, Reform, Magerle, or Doimak as State manufacturer. Other manufacturers of machine-tool like Emag, Okuma (Machine Center) or Toyoda (Egasca), despite having had a booth at the fair, have exhibited none of the machines for grinding of its product range.

Most of the machines exhibited in this edition of the BIEMH were cylindrical grinders. Among the manufacturers that led this type of grinders highlighted Tacchella, Italian manufacturer specialized in this kind of machines, which exposed the grinding machine Blink. GER, national manufacturer, exhibited a large number of machines, of which I have two cylindrical grinders and three flat. It was observed that this manufacturer is investing for their grinders in new fairings of rounded edges, which makes the design of these machines more attractive. In addition, Ger has been incorporated into their machines a new touch control, which makes programming more convenient.

Other manufacturers to highlight in this area was Danobat, which exhibited three cylindrical grinders. Among these, mention the cylindrical grinding machine FG, winner of the 8th National Prize of design in machine tool provided during the development of the fair. The main characteristic that has made this machine to be made with this award has been its accuracy, due to the use of a natural granite bench, linear motors and hydrostatic guided for movement and control of the temperature during machining.

As for flat grinders, while there was little presence of numerical control grinders, were a large number of flat grinders manuals, which could see at the booth of the Kair State manufacturer, specializing in machinery flat.

Finally in the field of cutting and sawing highlight the solutions with plasma presented by Kaltenbach and Danobat.

Intermaher-Mazak was visited by 500 companies
Intermaher-Mazak was visited by 500 companies.

Technological centres

As regards the technology centers emphasize the presence of Tekniker with prototypes and demonstrators of powered machinery is magnetic, as a Bureau supported and driven with a device capable of moving parts up to 100 kg moving with precision thanks to the management of magnetic fields.

Other projects have been on micro-machining, cost cycle of life, environmental design (Prolima project led by AFM), lightweight structures in nest of bee or "sandwich" and slender structural elements.

On Fatronik presented which can be considered the robot faster in the world today. In the previous number of MetalUnivers we offered more details of the products at its stand (see also table in this report).

Finally the CIC Margune, formed by companies and organizations research specialized in technologies for the manufacture of recognized prestige, presented information on their most relevant projects and future lines of action. It highlights the TAF project, supported by the program Etortek of the Basque Government, to advance new technologies in the process of manufacture of machine tools.

Fatronik grows and invoice of EUR 5 million in 2005

Fatronik, which has already released its new facilities in the technological park of Miramón (San Sebastian), presented fresh in the BIEMH ideas as we already collected in our special issue of the fair. For example, the handling robot Quickplacer is today the element more rapid in the world, able to pick up and position 200 pieces per minute.

According to announced the President of the technology centre at press conference in the event a breakthrough from the technological point of view and enlargement of range in chip startup machines can see. What's new in the field of direct engines, on independent axes such as rotary tables, five, six and seven axles and in the advanced technical features and design machines could also be seen.

But not only innovations show the progress of the sector, Fatronik also grows as revealed in the pageant. Its turnover in 2005 was EUR 5 million, with a growth up to 6 million euros in 2006, continuing with the clear trend of growth of Fatronik in recent years.

On the other hand, enterprise promotion takes on a role between the activities of the Centre, as a way to boost economic growth, the creation of new jobs, improving the competitiveness of the business fabric, the launching of new business opportunities and new tissue generation industrial in new sectors of activity.

In 2005, the new promoted technology-based companies have been:

  • Siadis S.L. development, industrialization and commercialization of technological systems for people older and/or disabled.
  • Markel S.A. development and commercialization of new engines of rotating architecture for low power consumption.

In addition, is currently in process of constituting a new Advanced Robotics engineering solutions company of manipulated in the agri-food sector.

According to data presented recently by the CDTI (Centre for Industrial technological development), Fatronik is located at the top of the ranking of State entities with best results in FP6. It lies between 22 entities with greater return achieved, being the seventh in leadership projects, only surpassed at the State level by large entities like Telefonica.

Note also the relevant data that Fatronik is the second entity with the largest number of projects led in relation to the projects in which it participates.

Fatronik opted for a distributed organization, with branches in various parts of the world, in order to quickly access the knowledge and speed up his transfer to the market.

A first step, has been the establishment, in January 2006, of Fatronik France in Montpellier. A centre of excellence in industrial robotics and service to the people, which has partnerships with technological centres of reference in France: LIRMM, ENSAM, ECN, IRCCYN and ENIT.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Máquinas-herramienta, Accesorios, Componentes y Herramientas, AFM
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
Danobat, S.Coop.
DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.
Egasca, S.A.
Fundación Fatronik, S.A. (Tecnalia)
IDEKO, S.Coop.
Intermaher, S.A.
Iscar Ibérica, S.A.
Izar Cutting Tools, S.A.L.
Kenci, S.L. - Kennametal
Máquina Center, S.A.
Maquinaria de Producción Europea, S.L.
Röhm Ibérica, S.A.
Soraluce, S.Coop.

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