Nordair, S.A. - Enchufes rápidos

Nordair Serie C

Suction adapters Instantaneous: of size reduced and of simple connection

Picture of Suction adapters Instantaneous
The suction adapters instantaneous of the series C of Nordair are suction adapters manufactured by exigencia of the pneumatics of last generation or microneumática, where the valves and the circuits are every time of size more reduced, by what is necessary connections and suction adapters of minimum size.

They are manufactured with body of polymer (PBT) and threads of brass niquelado.

They have of systems of tighten internal in the straight figures to diminish the external diameter maximum, without hexagon of tighten.

They are available for pipes semirrígidas of calibración standard in the diameters of 3, 4 and 6 mm.