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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cuando renovarse es garantía de seguridad
The installations of water, light and gas always have to be to the day

When renew is guarantee of hygiene

Víctor Eat03/09/2012
Anybody conceives a house habitable without an installation of water and light, and between the youngest generations, surely neither without gas. The daily use of said installations, without apparent failures in the majority of the cases, does that his maintenance remain in a second flat, until it arrives the inopportune failure that forces us to undertake a costly repair. It is then, when somebody remembers us that inopportune sentence of "... If this had reviewed in his day, now would not have to...".

The installations of water, light and gas age, deteriorate and even, with the constant technological advances of the industry, remain old-fashioned, obsolete or desfasadas. It is it is a truth that all know, but that the majority of users and consumers have forgotten. It would not have to be like this, and the renewal and periodic review of the installations of water, light and gas in all the homes would have to be an usual practice.

The maintenance of the domestic installations of water, light and gas remains in the majority of homes in a second flat...
The maintenance of the domestic installations of water, light and gas remains in the majority of homes in a second flat, until it arrives an inopportune failure and …

Renew or review?

Is evident that those houses of edificación ancient that from his original construction have not tackled any improvement on the installations of water and of light, have to realise an integral renewal of the same. In the rest of real estate, so only is necessary to effect periodic reviews of both installations.

Electrical installations

Of generic form can establish that all those that inhabit a house built before the year 1985 and keep the ancient electrical installation, have to change it what before to adapt it to the reglamentación valid in this matter. Prior to 1985, due to the fact that the scarce existent rules in said date already have remained very desfasadas, all the real estate have unsure electrical networks that lack the elements and the devices of protection that demands the valid legislation.

The switches of the picture of control of the electrical installation have to review annually
The switches of the picture of control of the electrical installation have to review annually.

According to the opinion of professional installers consulted for the realisation of this article, any ancient electrical installation (with more than 24 years) is dangerous, in the case of have not been subjected to any type of review or professional modification to renew the dilapidated elements and adapt to the demand of power. It coincides in this opinion the Platform for the Review of the Electrical Installations (PRIE), whose one of his representatives explains that “in this type of installations, the risks of fires and electrical accidents are very high”.

Still they are too many the houses in which the lead is leading in the greater part of pipes and drivings of water
Still they are too many the houses in which the lead is leading in the greater part of pipes and drivings of water.

In the real estate built subsequently to the year 1985, is advisable that a professional installer realise periodic reviews of the distinct elements of the installation inside the following terms: annually, if it treats of all the switches of the picture of control; each two years, for the fuses of protection, switches and bases of enchufe; each five years, in the case of the devices of protection against cortocircuitos; and each ten years, to review the complete installation. In the case to have to tackle the complete reform of the electrical installation, is advisable to take advantage of the occasion to place all the necessary lights, and forget you like this of splice, alargadores and multiple bases, and bet to his time by pipes of polietileno or polipropileno, materials much more sustainable that the PVC.

Installations of water

Although it does more than 25 years that the pipes of lead do not place in the houses, are still many the one who keep in the actuality his systems of driving of water through pipes of lead, a material that produces very high values of concentration of hurtful substances, what comports grave risks for the health, and contravenes clearly the indications of the Technical Code of Edificación (CTE)

The periodic review of the installation of water of the home has to centre in the control by part of the own user on the no existence of escapes...
The periodic review of the installation of water of the home has to centre in the control by part of the own user on the no existence of escapes, drippings or presence of corrosion.

As it indicates said Code, the materials employed in the pipes and in the accessories of the installations of water, can not produce concentrations of harmful substances that exceed the values allowed by the Royal decree 140/2003, of 7 February. Equally, they do not have to modify the potabilidad, the smell, the colour, neither the flavour of the water; they have to be material resistant to the inner corrosion, to temperatures of until 40 °C and to the external temperatures of his immediate surroundings. It is evident that all installation of water that keep elements of lead has to be renewed.

In opinion of the professionals consulted is advisable that the pipes of saneamiento are of polipropileno, polibutileno or polietileno, in place of PVC, since with these materials the drivings will be more stable, flexible, durable and less noisy.

By what refers to the periodic review of the installation, his maintenance has to centre in the control by part of the own user on the no existence of escapes, drippings or presence of corrosion, and that all the accessories of the same are clean. The review by part of a professional advises realise each two years, with special attention to the keys in passing, and is very recommended to realise each four years a proof of estanqueidad and operation.

Installations of gas

The installations of gas for domestic use in a house are much more recent that the ones of water and light, and by this reason, already from the starts of his application are subject to a more strict rule on his maintenance and review.

According to the valid legislation, the realisation of the inspection of the installation of the gas corresponds always to the company distributor...
According to the valid legislation, the realisation of the inspection of the installation of the gas corresponds always to the company distributor, that is forced to realise it each 5 years.

In accordance with the valid legislation, the maintenance, conservation and good use of the installation of natural gas is responsibility of the title of the same or, in his defect, of the users. To be able to ensure his correct operation and detect possible anomalies, the installations of natural gas have to be inspected periodically. According to the valid legislation, the realisation of the inspection corresponds always to the company distributor of gas, that is forced to realise it each 5 years (Royal decree 919/2006 of date 28.07.2006). Besides, in the year 2007, the Regulation of thermal sensors sensors Installations (RITE) entered a new compulsory review of the equipment of air conditioning, between which include the boilers, with the end to evaluate and improve his efficiency. This review comes to add to the inspection quinquenal of the hygiene of the installation of gas.

The renewal and periodic review of the installations of water, light and gas in all the homes would have to be an usual practice...
The renewal and periodic review of the installations of water, light and gas in all the homes would have to be an usual practice.

The periodic inspection of an installation of gas has to consist basically in the comprobación through his visible and accessible parts of the estanquidad and the verification of the good state of conservation of the same, of the hygienic combustion of the devices to gas and of the correct evacuation of the products of the combustion, ascertaining his adecuación to the statutory conditions of hygiene.

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