Frigicoll, S.A. - Div. Clima - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Frigicoll, S.A. - Div. Clima
Blasco de Garay, 4-6
08960 Sant Just Desvern (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑934803322  
🖷:  +34‑934803323
Installations of air conditioning

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Frigicoll, S.A. - Div. Clima

Once founded the current social reason of Frigicoll in 1975, years later was cream the opportunity to enter us in the sector of air conditioning. After empenzar this new career, to the year 2000 and after indiciarse the energetic diversification and the commercialisation of the systems of thermal sensors solar power, gave place to the birth of the mark Kaysun, which has gone forging year after year in a linea upward of successes. At present Kaysun represents an icon in the bet of Frigicoll shows the wide range of products and his strong implantation in the market.

Kaysun Is own mark of Frigicoll and represents the commercialisation of air conditioning and thermal sensors solar power. Kaysun Is of a big and recognised path thanks to his more than ten years of history with numerous projects that have gone reaching day after day. Able of climatizar with equipment of the range Domesticates until the Industrial range (VRF), with references so representative like the Hotel Hilton of Barcelona.

At present Kaysun is a mark with a big presence and international projection, being distributors in countries like France, Morocco, Ireland, Italy, Andorra and Portugal and keeps growing constantly. The values that defend the mark Kaysun are nowadays widely recognised in all these countries and the guarantee “Frigicoll” accompanies him crossing borders.