Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Air dryers

Atlas Copco FX 1-16

dryers frigoríficos: they delete the humidity of the air compressesed

Picture of dryers frigoríficos
The dryers frigoríficos are of high performance, have a point of rocío to constant pressesure. Without freezing of the condensed humidity. There is not possibility that the humidity go in in the system of air compressesed.

His design is very simple and reliable. It possesses a system of effective control (derivación of hot gas).

It is of easy installation, with a simple electrical connection.

It contains numerous remarkable characteristics: automatic regulation, minimum maintenance, intervals of prolonged service, few replacements of components.

They have an ergonomic design for a fast access to the key components.

Savings of significant cost. Greater reliability and useful life of tools and equipment. Fewer escapes in the pipes and therefore less costs of power. Fewer repairs in tools, machines and pipes. Fewer failures and unemployed inopportune. Minimum possibility of deterioration of the products because of the drag of humidity.