JKE Robotics, S.L. - Other robotic applications

You melt special: for robots

Picture of You melt special
JKE Robotics, S.L. It commercialises you melt special for robots in different materials and focused to different sectors: industrial car, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, metallurgy, would feed.

You melt them can catalog in function of the application and fabric. For the application in cold would go in melt them of tivek, PVC, poliuretano and polyamide. Whereas for his application in hot serian melt them of kevlar and kevlar silicone.

The main characteristic of melt them are the following: tyvek: it founds desechable, polyamide: it founds desechable, PVC: it founds lavable with water, poliuretano: it founds lavable with dissolvent, kevlar: you melt high resistance and kevlar Silicone: you melt high resistance.

You melt them they manufacture to measure in function of the application, taking into account the environingingment of the application, rotations, movements, etc.