Soretrac, S.A. - Shrink wrapping machines (Grhapic arts)

Soretrac 70

Tunnel of retracción modulate: with automatic regulation of the height of the strip

Picture of Tunnel of retracción modulate
In the tunnel modulate of Soretrac model 70 has improved the mouth of entrance that is greater, and the retracción. Besides, also it has improved the accessibility to the electrical cupboard and the strip transportadora is adjustable.

This tunnel of retracción has of deflectors orientables that allow to expel the flow of air on the product, surrounding the package by his four faces, according to his measures and the cadence of work.

The strip transportadora has the speed regulable and has two possibilities of work: with fixed wands (polietileno) and with twist of wands (poliolefinas, etc.). The temperature is regulable electronically, and the strip is regulable in height. His maintenance is minimum.

It includes a camera of isolated heating térmicamente. For packages of dimensions reduced exists the possibility to install a strip of mesh, of teflón, on the wands. The regulation of the height of the strip is automatic, already was of mesh or of wands. This tunnel is manufactured according to the norms CE.

Technical characteristics.

The tunnel modulate 70 of Soretrac has an installed maximum power of 14 kW, although his real consumption is of 7,5 kW.

The dimension of the entrance is of width 700 mm and of high of 380 mm.

The dimensions of the machine are of long 1.770 mm more 1.000 mm of the strip of exit, of width 1.100 mm, and of high 1.640 mm. The net weight of the machine is of 413 kg, and gross is of 483 kg.

In his configuration includes two turbines of ventilation and two groups of three resistances.

Regarding his electrical tension is of 380 V, trifásica with earth (of series), and 220 V, trifásica with earth (optional under request).