August Mink GmbH & Co. KG - Fabrikation Technischer Bürsten - Mink Bürsten - Other sheet metal tools

Mink Care-System

Tables of brushes: for the protection of the sheets mechanised

Picture of Tables of brushes

The machineries for the mechanised of sheets (punch presseses) carry from several years gifted tables of flexible fibres for the superficial protection of the piece of work. During the mechanised does all the possible to avoid flaws and protect delicate surfaces of the piece of work. However, it neglects in the following steps of the process, for example in lines of setting causing scratches, dents or other damages.

The system Mink Care-System consists in innumerable flexible fibres on which realises an absolutely reliable support of delicate goods. The supply of these tables of brushes estandardizadas and very economic realises in carton packaging practical. A cardboard contains 20 elements of tables of brushes that equivalen to a square metre of surface. The base of the elements, injected in plastic, composes of polipropileno a material with a chemical resistance very high. Beside the material of the fibres polyamide achieves an optimum relation of quality price. More advantages are the 6 holes of fixation for a fast setting of desmontaje of the elements. The base of the tables of brushes is flexible and facilitates an adaptation to surfaces arched and curvadas. The possibility of partial exchange of elements offers an important reduction of time and cost to the hour of the setting and desmontaje.

The material of the fibres available polyamide in different heights and diameters facilitates an adaptation to numerous exigencias. Short and hard fibres for heavy pieces, soft fibres for delicate surfaces or long fibres for goods that include herrajes (doors already endowed with bisagras, pasadores or mangos).

All the banks or tables of work already existent can instrument with the system Mink Care-System. In the surface of banks or tables of work as well as in places of setting accumulates dirt. Screws or shavings happen to be careless and can litter or damage valuable goods increasing the quota of flaw. The surface of fibres however no this enclosed neither rigid but ‘open and flexible'. Small pieces, like screws and nails or dirt and shavings fall between the fibres and do not damage the surface of the goods that are processing on of the table of brushes. The surface is fiablemente protected.

The spaces in which it accumulates the dirt can clean easily with air compressesed or water.

The punctual accommodation on the innumerable fibres generates at the same time a reduction of the coefficient of friction and lightens the movement of the goods. The reduction of the coefficient of friction carries besides to the following advantage: the movement of goods on carpets or poliestireno causes a heat of temporary friction very high, causing, in the surface glazed or revestida, opaque stains. The accommodation on the Mink Care-System deletes the origin of the problem and the quota of resultant flaw.

It exists the possibility to paginate exigencias special to the products estandardizados like the position of the fibres, distinct materials of fibre, distinct thermal sensors resistances, the colouring of the fibres to identify determinate positions on the table of brush. Another advantage that results is the reduction of noise. The setting the processing of sheet metal pieces on tables of work with metallic or wooden surfaces produces sometimes noise. The use of fibres comports to a reduction of the noise and increased like this the quality of the place of work.