Gardena - Husqvarna España - Sprinklers and drip systems

Gardena Micro-Drip System Classic

System of irrigation: it irrigates of soft form and constant without that there are excessive quantities of water that stagnate pointlessly

Picture of System of irrigation
The system Micro Drip of Gardena, irrigates the earth of soft form and constant without that there are excessive quantities of water that stagnate pointlessly drowning the plants or impoverishing the floor when dragging his nutrients. The drop to drop allows to leave the quantity of exact water that the plant needs, where more lacking does him (the root), without wasting water and obtaining the best results, with a saving of water that can reach until 50%.

The system Micro-Drip-System of Gardena is totally polyvalent, and can use for the irrigation in fences, balconies, plants in plant pots, terraces, greenhouses, small macizos and thickets, flower-beds, etc.

Can add so many extensions as it want , and adapt the needs of water for each plant, without spending a drop of more. Besides, can choose the type of favourite irrigation, from the drop to regular drop, to the fine thread of water, or a fine rain that do not damage the most fragile plants.