Böllhoff, S.A. - Mounting devices for parts

Flexitol de Plástico

System of compensation of tolerances

Picture of System of compensation of tolerances
Bollhoff Presents his system of compensation of tolerances that allows to obtain economic unions, reliable and of big quality and a fixation without tensions, avoiding the deformation of the pieces.

The Flexitol inserts in the accommodation of one of the pieces to join.

During the first part of the process of setting, when using the screw, the tolerance between the two pieces compensates automatically thanks to the thread to left in the casquillo of compensation. The rest of the process of atornillado serves to ensure the union.

This Flexitol when being entirely of plastic allows a reduction of costs in components of production, an easy integration in the components of the customer, is an automatic system of compensation of tolerances with thread of plastic for plastics (K' in K'), allows the accessibility by an alone side, is totally recyclable and does not suffer corrosion any.