Böllhoff, S.A. - Clinching machines


System of clinchado: union of sheets and profiles without material

Picture of System of clinchado

The clinchado allows to join sheets and profiles by deformation of the material in cold. The clinchado realises the union of two sheets or more, according to the application, have or no treatments of surface. The treatments of surface can be lacados, painted, plastificados or metallised. The point of clinchado produces by the interaction of a punzón and a matrix: the result is a point of a big resistance.

The equipment of clinchado Rivclinch join the steel, the inox and the alloys to base of copper, aluminium, cinc of rational form and respecting the environingingment. According to the election of the team Rivclinch, the points can be round or rectangular: round point for tight unions without cuttings in the sheets to join that's that rectangular with cut in the first sheet for hard and stainless metals.

The advantages of the machines of clinchado Rivclinch are numerous, between which stand out the no destructive control of the quality of the union, the consumption reduced of power, that are not necessary elements of additional union and that there is not thermal sensors adulteration of the zone of union neither deterioration in the treatment of the surface.

Likewise, they allow a very good productivity in series, make possible intercalar plastic or adhesive between the two pieces to join, are not necessary previous works neither back, the costs of maintenance are reduced and allow conditions of pleasant work, since they do not generate gases neither sparks. During the process of clinchado Rivclinch, the materials to join situate between a punzón and a matrix. When the punzón descends, a pisador keeps joined the pieces. The punzón penetrates in the material until a tope mechanical. Once that the sheets are in contact with the matrix, the punzón exerts pressesure on the material, that flows lateralmente by the opening of the mobile walls of the matrix. The local deformation like this realised creates a mechanical anchorage between the pieces. The range of manual machines of clinchado Rivclinch has been created to adapt to the distinct applications without effecting an important investment. His modular conception allows to find a solution adapted to the peculiarities of each application.

Besides, like the same games of useful serve for almost all the manual machines, can exchange , reducing like this the costs and the quantity of pieces of wear in stock.