ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Stackers

Stackers Electrical: compact, to use in spaces reduced

Picture of Stackers Electrical
The stackers electrical of Mitsubishi and Hubtex offer the best solution for the manipulation of loads in spaces so reduced like the interior of a truck, for apilado in blocks and for the work in areas very congestionadas. The compact dimensions of the stackers electrical offered by Ulma allow the very adjusted manoeuvres, in addition to being endowed of ergonomic elements that improve the efficiency, the hygiene and the productivity. The range of stackers electrical Mitsubishi is composed by models of accompanying driver, of platform and of driver seated and on board with capacity of load of until 2.000 kg. Regarding the manipulation of long and bulky commodities in narrow corridors Ulma Carts Elevador offers the solution by means of the stackers electrical Hubtex with capacities of until 3.500 kg. The stackers electrical of Ulma are ideal for collected and manufacturing of requests or for works of apilado and storage of commodities situated to half level of shelving since they reach a height of until 6.500 mm of height.