Soretrac, S.A. - Automatic tray sealers


Soldadora Compact: automatic and on line

Picture of Soldadora Compact
The soldadora compact automatic and on line of Soretrac is composed by a soldadora in “L” automatic and of a tunnel of retracción.

Besides it has of three stravel transportadoras independent: one of feeding of the product, another of evacuation of the product, and the third for the tunnel of retracción.

This soldadora compact no precise of pneumatics installation, since all the elements are of accionamiento electrical. It is mounted on wheels. It stands out that it uses the system of desenrollamiento automatic of the coil of film in semitubo, and that has a recogedor of the automatic excess plastic.

His electrical picture also is automated. The picture of welding is easily removable (without tools), to facilitate the maintenance. It has of fotocélulas electrical to detect the packages. The strip of feeding is scrollable manually, with versatilidad of sizes of the packages. His hygiene is total, with doors of metacrilato that protect the mobile parts.

Regarding his technical data his electrical supply is of 380 V trifásico. His total installed installation is of 8 kW and the power of the tunnel of retracción is of 6 kW. The dimensions of the picture of welding are of 350 x 500 mm. The maximum height of the product is of 100 mm. The dimensions of the coil are of width 500 mm and of diameter 250 mm. The dimensions of the machine, with the enclosed doors are of 2.350 mm of long, 960 mm of width, and 1.500 mm of height.

The speed of the stravel of the soldadora is fixed to 12 m/min and the speed of the strip of the tunnel is variable of 2 to 14 m/min. The opening of the tunnel is of 400x200 mm.