Boge Compresores Ibérica, S.L.U. - Industrial maintenance services

Boge bestcair

Service of guarantee: of the components of the compressesor

Picture of Service of guarantee
With the guarantee Row bestcair, the customer receives an optimum service with the maximum hygiene of the investment.

With the program of guarantee bestcair, Row, once again, fulfils with the standard heights of quality reinforcing his position of provider of high quality in the market.

With the agreement of service Row bestcair, the customer receives a guarantee of five years in all the components of the compressesor.

In the case of failure, all the pieces are replaced without charge during all the period, except the replacements that proceed by usual wear.

It row it is expanding the agreement of maintenance bestcair to other products, no only to the compressesors of screw lubricated.

The program of guarantee Row bestcair offers in the subsidiaries of all the world, in the frame of agreements of assistance each more attractor trucks day by his reliability and price.