Böllhoff, S.A. - Rivets


Rivets Structural blind: special for the union of pieces with accessibility by an alone side

Picture of Rivets Structural blind
The rivets structural Huck consist of an alone element and are special for the union of pieces with accessibility by an alone side. The placing of the rivets structural Huck is very fast, since it take less than 1 second. Operation of the remache structural Huck:

Process of placing:

- it plants the remache in the filter of the remachadora and afterwards with the machine enters the remache in the taladro of the pieces.

- To the accionar the remachadora, begins the deformation of the blind part of the remache.

- The union fixed and produces the mechanism of internal blockade of the remache.

- It produces the break of the stem to the height of the head, leaving the stem blocked and completing the placing.

The resistance to the shearing of the rivets structural Huck is determined by the combination of the resistance of the stem and of the head of the remache. This produces along the central axis, that coincides with line of contact of the pieces joined. The resistance to the traction of the rivets structural Huck differentiates of the one of the rivets of collarín in that in the placing of the rivets structural forms by the side blind a deformation or barrilete product of the expansion or compressesion of the body of the remache, that to his time resists to the traction along his central axis thanks to the reinforcement that awards the stem that remains in the body of the remache.

1. Deformation by compressesion of the body of the remache: to the accionar the remachadora, the body of the remache compresseses forming a barrilete that presiona against the union of the pieces. Afterwards it produces the break of the stem to the height of the head, leaving the stem blocked and completing the placing.

2. Deformation by expansion of the body of the remache: to the accionar the remachadora and throw of the stem, the head of the same enters in the body of the stem producing a broadening that presiona against the union of the pieces.