Böllhoff, S.A. - Rivets

Huck Bom

Rivets Structural: special for structural applications very demanding

Picture of Rivets Structural
The rivets structural Huck consist of an alone element and are special for the union of pieces with accessibility by an alone side. The placing of the rivets structural Huck is very fast, since it takes less than 1 second.

The rivets structural Bom have the following characteristic:

- they Are rivets structural of big resistance, with a strong relation resistance/ diameter, special for structural applications very demanding (can use like substitute of threaded bolts or soldiers).

- Big resistance to the extraction equipment equipment and to the wear.

- Wide zone of remachado, special for fragile materials or sheets of reduced thickness.

- The rivets structural Bom offer unions of big resistance to the estanqueidad compared with which obtains with the rivets in blind conventional. Dimensions (mm): 4.8, 6.4, 7.9, 9.5, 12.7, 15.9, 19.1.