Servymex, S.L. - Pipe connections

Camozzi Serie 6000 y 6000 Micro

Racores super-Fast for tubes of plastic: they build in 14 distinct models

Picture of Racores super-Fast for tubes of plastic
Camozzi Offers racores super-fast for tubes of plastic of the Series 6000 and 6000 Micro.

The racores of the type super-fast micro build in 14 distinct models. The setting and the desmontaje of the tube, that can repeat many times, realises with an alone hand without the help of tools. Ease of replacement of the ring of retention (Or-ring) in case of failure or of natural aging of the mix.

This remarkable advantage has been possible by the simplicity of execution of the pinza internal of the racor, that, being extraíble, allows the replacement of the Or-Ring.