Hunter Industries Incorporated - Hoses and irrigation systems accessories

Hunter Acoples

Quick couplings: made of brass and stainless steel

Picture of Quick couplings
Coupling valves are fast products designed specifically for projects requiring quick access to water while ensuring the durability and resistance to vandalism. All parts come with our TuffTop, Spring lock or unlock the covers. WingThing models have stabilizers anti-rotation for greater resistance to vandalism and operational durability. Available in one piece and two piece. The body of two-piece design allows maintenance of field of the upper valve gasket without depressurizing the system of irrigation. All models cover lock have a choice of cover of purple that makes them suitable for use in reclaimed water projects. All models are configured to retrocompatiblidad with popular brands installed in recent years. HQ - cazador-resistente quick hitch product line.

100% interchangeable with the Rain Bird, Toro, and Buckner network brass and stainless steel.

Thermoplastic TuffTop and close without closing caps.

Optional WingThing of stabilization and Acme connection key.

1 Stainless steel tongue "and 1-1 / 4" keys.