Böllhoff, S.A. - Riveters

Rivkle P2007

Pneumatic Riveter: placement by effort of remachables nuts

Picture of Pneumatic Riveter
Bollhoff, company specializing in the design and manufacture of fasteners and equipment, launches the P2007, a fast, robust, practical and ergonomic machine for placement for remachables nuts Rivkle effort.

The P2007 allows the placement of the Rivkle by regulation of the effort. This technique has many advantages among which are: the placement of the nut can be repeated without causing any damage, is not necessary to adapt the regulation to the thickness of each used steel and wear of fixtures is less.

P2007 remachadoras uses for nuts M3 to M10 Rivkle.

The bolt is automatic upon contact with the nut. The tools are the same as for other Bollhoff machines. Actuation with a single trigger and the desenroscado is automatic.