Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Current, multimeter and voltmeter clamps

Fluke 350

Pinzas amperimétricas: for applications with currents of until 2000 To

Picture of Pinzas amperimétricas

The pinzas amperimétricas of the series 350 of Fluke Iberian are some robust and versatile tools for applications with currents of until 2000 To. They have of a mordaza of big opening for cables of big diameter and present levels of hygiene of agreement to 600 V CAT IV and 1000 V CAT III for a greater protection of the user.

His reduced dimensions adjust perfectly to the size of the hand and to spaces limited. The controls of the instrument find situated so that the measurements of current can realise with an alone hand.

His screen of big size with retroiluminación (in the majority of models) and his useful button of retention of values in screen allow to enjoy of a better visualisation of the data.

The Series 902 of Fluke incorporates functions of measurement of temperature and capacity, and is the ideal option for veri car the systems of heating, ventilation and air conditioned.+