Hispania Solar de Energías Fotovoltaicas, S.L. - Phase meters and phase rotation indicators

Hispania Phi

Phase angle meters: they allow the measurement of the frequency of the voltage

Picture of Phase angle meters
Hispania phase angle meter phi is a portable instrument that indicates the angle in degrees and the power factor in cosine phi between two strains or between a voltage and a current.

It also allows the measurement of the frequency of the voltage. The input voltage is galvanically separated regarding the second input voltage or current, which allows its use in any circumstance without worrying about the risk of provoking short circuits.

For current measurement can connect directly the intensity up to 6 or well be a secondary of a current transformer... / 5A or a transformer iron... / 5A, which allows its use in lines of very high currents.

Measurement of voltage can be up to 400 V direct or using a voltage transformer... /..., also may be an artificial neutral phase measures. Its applications include measures in relays of via for use on railways, protection in electric utilities, quality control and measures of the power factor in lighting, motors, transformers, electrical appliances, etc.