Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Oscilloscopes

Fluke ScopeMeter serie 190

Oscilloscopes of four channels: for industrial surroundings

Picture of Oscilloscopes of four channels

Fluke Corporation Has of the series of hand-held portable oscilloscopes ScopeMeter of the series 190 II, the first oscilloscopes of four channels designed for difficult industrial surroundings.

These portable oscilloscopes are the first in having the homologation of hygiene for surroundings CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 V. The four channels of entrance are entirely isolated between them to realise floating differential measurements, a key appearance to resolve problems in electronic devices trifásicos, like the adjustable speed drives. The chassis of the ScopeMeter of Fluke is isolated of the surroundings, without slots neither fans of refrigeration that expose the instrument. Has the homologation IP-51, to proof of dust and salpicadura, by what is sufficiently resistant to use it of safe form in factories and in installations.

The electronic systems use increasingly in the generation of solar and wind power and for maximizar the efficiency or reduce the consumption of power, especially in robust electromechanical applications. With the new ScopeMeter of the series 190 II of Fluke, the users will see more and will be able to fix more thanks to the four channels.

His fast speed of sampling, of until 2,5 GS/s and 400 picosegundos of resolution, help to the users to capture the electrical noise and other perturbations and like this diagnose exactly what occurs. With models of 100 MHz and 200 MHz, these oscilloscopes offer the necessary bandwidth to cover the current needs and also the future. Thanks to the four channels, the users can inspect signals of entrances, signals of exit, loops of control or blockades of hygiene of simultaneous form to resolve problems eat:

Amplitude of the signal or variations of form, noise or perturbations induced through nodes of critical circuit

Problems of synchronisation and temporización of signal them

Mitigation, fluctuation or derive like result of problems of impedance or impacts of surroundings

The four channels are indispensable in the comprobación of the adjustable speed drives and the electronic investors of power that use in the applications of generation of sustainable power and of transport. The users can:

See and measure harmonic, transitory and loads in electrical systems trifásicos

Resolve problems in converters of continuous current to alternating identifying failures in the bipolar transistors of isolated door (IGBT) and the circuits of control

See and measure forms of wave of modulation by width of pulse (PWM) and check the presence of reflections and transitory

These new tools are comfortable and easy to handle. With the new batteries of high performance with technology of ion-lithium, the ScopeMeter of the series II keep in operation until seven hours. The loaders external and covers it of the compartment of the battery with easy access allow to change the batteries with comfort and expand the time of use. Two ports USB, isolated electrically of the circuits of entrance of measure, allow that they capture and share forms of wave. The users can store data easily in a device by heart USB or connect the oscilloscope to a PC through the port USB and transfer the forms of wave or the images to analyse the data or file them.