Böllhoff, S.A. - Nuts

Nuts insertables: a fast and economic way to obtain threads very resistant in materials of reduced thickness

Picture of Nuts insertables
The nut insertable allows to obtain of fast and economic way, a terrajado very resistant in materials of reduced thickness. %Wing placing is simple and does not require useful special. It suffices with entering the grooved part of the nut insertable in the sheet previously punzonada or taladrada. ?chado Of the nut insertable effects with a pneumatic or hydraulic press. %aPara Obtain a fixation of quality: %anus remove the rebaba neither achaflanar the taladro ?I roast of holes punzonados mount if possible the nut insertable by the opposite side to the sense of the punzonado. ?erzo Of placing has to determine to place the nut insertable of an alone hit (advises do an essay on an identical sample to the application).?illo Has to mount by the opposite side to the sense of setting of the nut insertable.