JKE Robotics, S.L. - Vises


Mordazas autocentrantes: with accionamiento hidraúlico

Picture of Mordazas autocentrantes
JKE Robotics Has of a wide range of mordazas and cabezales for fixation of pieces in schemes tool for his back mechanised.

The mordazas autocentrantes OSV use of general way in scheme with the aim to tie up the pieces to be able to mechanise them. The impulse of the strength of tighten in the piece comes determined by the pressesure of a pistón of double performance incorporated in the mordaza. The cylinder that comanda the pistón, can encapsularse inside the schemes it.

The transmission of the impulse, from the axis until the harps, realises through a plane bent. The construction of the flatly bent seat allows a guide of big length.

The elements are connected to ensure the movement opening / close. You adjust them final in the mordaza effect once realised the assemble, with a sub feeding of pneumatics pressesure through special equipments (see diagram in the technical specification).

In all ours mordazas, the flat guides of the mordazas have inserted a clavija to increase the precision and finished in a surface of slide as well as to keep diminish the result of the wear.

The devices OSV are instrumented with a protection against the filtraje of dirt and with entrances for his presurización. The pneumatics connections are situated in the inferior part of the cylinder and lateralmente in the body of the mordaza.