Hunter Industries Incorporated - Other irrigation equipment

Hunter PLD

Microriego systems: for distribution of irrigation

Picture of Microriego systems
Hunter PLD applies water slowly and evenly. Water is absorbed gradually and easily reach your website. What distinguishes Hunter PLD apart is its system of pressure-compensated with a built-in valve that helps prevent clogging of emitter and the loss of water, is to ensure the flow in all terrains and side lengths. From the point of view of installation, it is flexible and resistant to UV rays. If it's a clump of flowers, a lot of shrubs, or other creative landscape settings, LDP Hunter provides a reliable and efficient solution every day.

They provide high performance check valve prevents obstruction of the available emitter with emitter of 12 ", 18" or spacing 24 "emitter flow rates available in 0.4, 0.6, or 1.0 GPH tube blank available (without transmitter) comes in coils of 250 and 1."000 m greater flexibility and resistance to torsion powered irrigation kits drip control zone 100 ' rolls available on models of PLD 0612100, 1012100 PLD, and the LDP 1018100 the warranty period: 5 years (2 additional years for cracking under environmental burden)