Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Ground resistance meters

Fluke 1623-2 y 1625-2

Measurers of resistance to earth: fast verifications of put to earth of the electrical equipment

Picture of Measurers of resistance to earth
Fluke Presents the measurers of resistance to earth 1623-2 and 1625-2 with functions and accessories improved that accelerate the verification of the connection of put to earth of the electrical systems, what helps to resolve problems of quality of electrical and reduce the risk of electrocution for the users.

The studies have showed that until 15% of the problems of the electrical quality are related with a bad put to earth. The measurers of resistance of put to earth of Fluke allow to identify put to deficient earth, helping to increase the time of activity.

The comprobadores of put to earth of Fluke help to the engineers and electricians to fulfil with the electrical rule, requests of engineering and local regulations to guarantee that, in case of fall of rays or sobretensiones in the electrical networks, the current finds a safe way to earth. They carry out the four types of measures of resistance to typical earth: fall of potential to 3 and 4 poles, resistividad of the terrain to 4 poles, selective measure without disconnection of the put to earth of the system and the proof without spades.

The comprobadores have internal memory and connectivity USB for an easy storage of until 1.500 registers with date and hour, and the fast download of the measurements to a computer, what deletes the need to transfer the data manually. Incidentally, it has increased the size of the screen so that it was easier the reading of the measures in any surroundings.

The accessories include carretes of wire of easy use, robust spades that nail with ease even in the hardest terrains, cables encoded with colours and a briefcase of transport very practical and durable. All this to do that the proofs are faster and obtain better results.

The model 1625-2 offers functions advanced like the automatic control of frequency (AFC), that identifies the existence of interferences in the terrain and selects the frequency of measure more adapted to provide values more exact; or the measure of R* to calculate the impedance of put to earth to 55 Hz and show like this, with greater precision, the resistance that would experience in front of a fault to earth. Also it has of adjustable limits to be able to realizar like this proofs faster and indication in screen of the autonomy of the battery.

The measurers of resistance of put to earth 1623-2 and 1625-2 can buy in basic versions or in kits that include in addition to the measurer, cables of proof, pinzas, battery, spades, carretes of wire and briefcase. Like optional accessory is available a transformer of core split of 320 mm (12,7 inches) for the realisation of the selective proofs in the individual bases of the electrical towers of average and high tension.