Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Special flow meters

Fluke 922

Measurer of flow of air: for buildings, places of work and homes

Picture of Measurer of flow of air
In reply to the increasing importance that earns the quality of the air in buildings, places of work and homes, Fluke offers him a wide range of equipment to supervise the temperature, the humidity, the speed of the air, the concentration of particles and the levels of monoxide of carbon. These instruments will help him of fast and simple form to locate problems and to keep the quality of the

air. Besides, they will allow him verify the efficient operation of the systems of control of heating, ventilation and air conditioned.

The Fluke 922 is a measurer that facilitates and speeds up the process of measure of flow of air, offering functions of measure of differential pressesure, discharge and speed of air in a simple and robust instrument. Compatible with the majority of the tubes Pitot, the measurer allows to the technicians enter comfortably the measures and sizes of pipes to achieve the maximum precision of measure. Has to use to guarantee a discharge of air balanced and a pleasant environingingment, measure the losses of pressesure in filters and other elements of the driving, adapt the ventilation to the number users, supervise the relation between the inner pressesure and the external and manage the closing of buildings, and realise comprobaciones in diverse points of the clarity in any surroundings.