HT Instruments, S.L. - Ground resistance meters

HT Instruments M73

Measurer for the resistance of loop of earth and differential: comprobador Of loop of earth, differential, multimeter and pinza amp

Picture of Measurer for the resistance of loop of earth and differential
Comprobador Of loop of earth, differential, multimeter, pinza amp with the following characteristic:

Functions: Time intervention RCD type AC general 30, 30 x 5, 100, 300 mA

Resistance of loop of earth without the intervention RCD

Presumptive current of cortocircuito

Sense cíclico of the phases

Tension CC/CA TRMS

Current CC/CA TRMS (through transductor)

Resistance and proof of Continuity

Dates Hold, max/min/AVG

Measured of beak tension and Intensity

Measured of escapes (with pinza optional HT96Or and adapter NOCANBA)

Normative: CE - CEI 64-8 - CEI 64-8 612.6.2 - CEI 64-8 612.6.1 - IN 61326 - IN 61010-1 - VDE 0413 16 th edition.