ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Logistics engineering and consulting services

Logistical quality consultancy: solutions to measure

Picture of Logistical quality consultancy
Ulma Carts Puts all his know do ('know-how') and means to the disposal of his customers for asesorar and find the best solution to the logistical needs of his customers. Like this, they can enjoy of a continuous improvement, flexibility and a maximum productivity together with a reduction of the costs of administration and maintenance thanks to the advice for a suitable management of fleets of carts elevadoras

Through the simulator of designs of warehouses the department of Engineering of Ulma has developing a computer system that re-creates the warehouse of each customer and suggests the type of carretilla elevadora more convenient for each case, depending on characteristic variables like the type of load to manipulate or the space with which explains. The system will propose to the customer the election of a model of carretilla elevadora determined.